Common STD Infections - What Is Gonorrhea?
In the US alone gonorrhea is estimated to affect up to six hundred and fifty thousand people every year.
Furthermore statistics reveal that women between fifteen and nineteen years and men between twenty and twenty-four years have the highest rate of infection.
Anyone who is sexually active must take an STD home test if they are afraid of going to the hospital.
There are specific tests for gonorrhea.
What is it? It is a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) or a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI).
Bacterium neisseria gonorrhoeae is to blame for this disgraceful STI.
It can eat away the female cervix, fallopian tubes, uterus, mouth, throat, rectum and urethra.
In men, this STD can infect their urethra, rectum, mouth and throat.
How does the bacterium spread? The easiest way to catch a gonorrhea bacterium is via vaginal, anal or oral intercourse.
It can be spread from one person to another without their knowledge.
This bacterium is not as fragile as the HIV is.
It can stay for four hours outside the body and infect someone who comes across it.
This will hardly ever happen though.
But you should know that sharing personal possessions with an infected person can help transmit the virus.
Again the bacteria cannot live on washcloths for too long.
It can only get to you soon after being used by an infected friend.
Another common way of transmission is from an infected mother to a baby during child delivery.
Symptoms If you are sexually active you have a chance to catch gonorrhea.
It is then important to do a test as often as you can.
This is particularly necessary if you normally have many intimate relations with different people without a condom.
Do not wait to see the symptoms of this STI.
You should be tested and treated if found sick.
Ladies are in most cases treated for the wrong infection such as a vaginal infection or a urinary tract infection.
It is estimated that ninety percent of ladies may show zero symptoms.
When symptoms materialize, they may include the following: - Yellowish-greenish discharge from their genitals - A burning sensation when urinating - Pelvic or abdominal pain - Vulva soreness/swelling - Painful intercourse - Bleeding after intercourse or strange vaginal bleeding - Arthritic pain and fever - Bloody discharge from the anus and pain during bowel movements - Sore throat In men gonorrhea symptoms can as well go undetected.
Theirs will include: - A burning sensation during urination - Sore or swollen testis - Yellowish-white discharge from their penis - Fever - Bloody discharge from the anus and pain during bowel movements - Sore throat When gonorrhea symptoms occur, they will appear in two to five days in men and ten days in women.
But in both genders symptoms can materialize in thirty days.
It is important to get a STD home test to know your status.
This testing system detects gonorrhea antigen in urine or saliva.
Note that a Chlamydia test is done along with this one.
This is so because both STIs are regularly found together in most people.
Furthermore statistics reveal that women between fifteen and nineteen years and men between twenty and twenty-four years have the highest rate of infection.
Anyone who is sexually active must take an STD home test if they are afraid of going to the hospital.
There are specific tests for gonorrhea.
What is it? It is a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) or a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI).
Bacterium neisseria gonorrhoeae is to blame for this disgraceful STI.
It can eat away the female cervix, fallopian tubes, uterus, mouth, throat, rectum and urethra.
In men, this STD can infect their urethra, rectum, mouth and throat.
How does the bacterium spread? The easiest way to catch a gonorrhea bacterium is via vaginal, anal or oral intercourse.
It can be spread from one person to another without their knowledge.
This bacterium is not as fragile as the HIV is.
It can stay for four hours outside the body and infect someone who comes across it.
This will hardly ever happen though.
But you should know that sharing personal possessions with an infected person can help transmit the virus.
Again the bacteria cannot live on washcloths for too long.
It can only get to you soon after being used by an infected friend.
Another common way of transmission is from an infected mother to a baby during child delivery.
Symptoms If you are sexually active you have a chance to catch gonorrhea.
It is then important to do a test as often as you can.
This is particularly necessary if you normally have many intimate relations with different people without a condom.
Do not wait to see the symptoms of this STI.
You should be tested and treated if found sick.
Ladies are in most cases treated for the wrong infection such as a vaginal infection or a urinary tract infection.
It is estimated that ninety percent of ladies may show zero symptoms.
When symptoms materialize, they may include the following: - Yellowish-greenish discharge from their genitals - A burning sensation when urinating - Pelvic or abdominal pain - Vulva soreness/swelling - Painful intercourse - Bleeding after intercourse or strange vaginal bleeding - Arthritic pain and fever - Bloody discharge from the anus and pain during bowel movements - Sore throat In men gonorrhea symptoms can as well go undetected.
Theirs will include: - A burning sensation during urination - Sore or swollen testis - Yellowish-white discharge from their penis - Fever - Bloody discharge from the anus and pain during bowel movements - Sore throat When gonorrhea symptoms occur, they will appear in two to five days in men and ten days in women.
But in both genders symptoms can materialize in thirty days.
It is important to get a STD home test to know your status.
This testing system detects gonorrhea antigen in urine or saliva.
Note that a Chlamydia test is done along with this one.
This is so because both STIs are regularly found together in most people.