Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Trichomoniasis Information And Facts

Trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease with over 7.
4 million cases reported from the United States alone.
There are a large number of cases suffering from this disease that do not get reported at all because it cannot be diagnosed in the first place.
Diagnosing Trichomoniasis is not always easy because sometimes the patient might not experience any symptoms of the disease whatsoever.
Diagnosis includes physical examination of the genital area, followed by a culture test, or a wet mount test or a vaginal pH test.
In cases where one single test does not reveal anything conclusive, then any one of the other tests are conducted to confirm the presence of the single celled protozoan parasite -- trichomonas vaginalis -- respoinsible for causing Trichomoniasis infection.
In the case of men, the doctor will examine the patient's penis and look for signs of infection.
The thin whitish liquid discharge from the penis will be placed on a wet mount and examined.
Similarly, in women, the doctor conducts a pelvic exam to study the genital area.
On close examination, the vagina appears far redder, the labia appear swollen and the doctor may even find red sores around the cervix area.
In the wet mount test, a wet swab swept over the woman's cervix will be placed on a slide along with salt solution, and examined under a microscope.
If the flagella are observed then it is conclusive of the presence of the protozoa trichomonas vaginalis.
The culture test involves growing the causative organisms present in the patient's discharge in a petri dish using a suitable culture medium and waiting until the organisms grow and then observe then use the wet mount method.
This method is almost 95 percent accurate.
If none of these tests have given positive results for Trichomoniasis, then there is yet another option which is known as the vaginal pH test.
If the pH level of a woman's vagina is over 4.
5, then it could indicate the infestation by trichomonas vaginalis.

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