How to Clean Cat Urine Off of a Raw Wood Floor
- 1). Blot the area with paper towels to remove the urine. Apply pressure to absorb any urine that might have soaked into the wood. Dispose of the paper towels in a garbage bag.
- 2). Pour 1 cup of distilled white vinegar in a spray bottle and thoroughly spray the area. Let the vinegar sit for five minutes and rinse it off using warm water.
- 3). Apply a stain and odor remover to the area. Read the label carefully to make sure it can be used on raw wood floor. Apply as directed and wipe up any excess liquid with a paper towel. If a stain is still visible, continue to Step 4.
- 4). Scrape the blade of a hand scraper over the stain two or three times and use a sander to sand the raw wood. Make sure you sand only enough to remove the stain.
- 5). Consider replacing the damaged board yourself or with help from a professional for difficult urine stains that you're unable to remove. This should be a last resort. Usually, urine can be cleaned up effectively if it's done within two days.