Health & Medical Food & Drink

Is Fluoride in Drinking Water Important?

There are varying opinions on the necessity of adding fluoride to our drinking water.
Some say that it reduces the amount of cavities in children while others say it shouldn't be added and should be the responsibility of everyone to properly insure their children's oral health.
The addition of fluoride to our drinking water has been happening since the 1945; it was added to help prevent the amount of tooth decay and cavities in children.
It is a relatively inexpensive addition to help prevent cavities.
It is estimated that it costs approximately 94 cents per person a year to add fluoride to our drinking water.
With the invention of water filters for everyday household use, some if not all of the added fluoride is being filtered out along with the other contaminants we are trying to rid ourselves of.
This may have something to do with the rise in dental cavities experienced by our children.
Many dentists have reported seeing an increase in cavities in their younger patients and also in some adults.
Water filters may not be the sole reason for the increase in cavities being reported but it is something to consider.
While the addition of fluoride in our water may help in preventing cavities, it should not be the only way that we receive fluoride.
Many types of toothpaste on the market today also offer fluoride and should be used to help in the prevention of cavities.
Also cutting down on our sugar intake and eating a healthier diet may also reduce the chance of cavities.
Some people see the addition of fluoride to water to be an intrusion into their personal lives.
Many have argued that it goes poses an ethical and legal threat to have fluoride forced upon them.
Although many see the addition to be beneficial and for the greater good, there are always going to be those who are against any government involvement in our health choices.
In the end, it is up to you do what you feel is right.
If you are against fluoride in your water simply use a filtration device to remove it from your drinking water.
If you agree with the fact that it is safe and provides benefits for those who choose to drink it, simply keep giving it to your children and drink it yourself.
The decision is entirely up to you and what you feel is right for you and your family.

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