Travel & Places Outdoors

The Best Destinations For Walking Holidays In Europe

Why Choose a Walking Holiday?

Walking holidays can take many forms, from a gentle stroll right through to a hardcore trekking adventure, with numerous options in between. Sometimes it is just best to decide on the type of holiday you would enjoy the most, consider the age and ability of the walkers and then pick the location accordingly.

Walking is also a great way to enjoy family holidays abroad, giving parents a unique opportunity to provide children of all ages with a chance to see nature close up, as well as adding in some activity opportunities they might not get again.

Types of Holiday Available.

There are numerous businesses that specialise in activity holidays and will offer as much or as little advice and guidance as required. Fully guided tours are usually recommended for 'first-timers', families and the older generation deciding to walk in Europe, for the sake of both safety and enjoyment.

Others may want to 'go it alone' but with the reassurance of detailed maps and knowing that they will always end up in warm, comfortable accommodation at the end of the day. Those with younger children can choose fixed accommodation with day trip walks, if preferred.

The possibilities to enjoy a holiday on foot in Europe are pretty much endless but France, Switzerland and Spain are considered to be the three 'most-visited' countries for walkers in modern Europe.


France is a country that has always been very popular with all types of walkers, largely due to the fact that it has so much geographic diversity. Whether you are seeking the hotter climes of the Riviera, the exquisite countryside of the wine regions or the challenge of the Alps, France has something to offer.


Most walkers choose Switzerland to experience the spectacular views afforded from the mountain passes of the Alps. A long day's walking and climbing to high altitudes, breathing in some of the cleanest air in the world, is an experience almost second to none.


Lesser travelled areas of some European countries can be the ideal for some walkers and the Spanish region of Andalusia is certainly one of them. Seeing the beautiful native horses in their natural environment, as well as the possibility of spotting numerous other species of rare wildlife, could be the holiday of a lifetime for some travellers.

A walking holiday is probably one of the best ways to explore Europe. It gives the opportunity to see foreign places at their very best, sample local hospitality and cuisine as well as getting plenty of fresh air and exercise along the way. They can be enjoyed by all types of traveller: singles, couples, groups or for family holidays abroad.

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