Video: How to Clean Up Acne & Stubble in Photoshop
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Jimmy Lick from Joyriders TV Productions, and today we're going to learn how to remove acne from a photo in Photoshop. The first thing you want to do is go up to file and bring in whatever picture that you want. I'm going to use a default photo of my friend here. And basically, the first thing you want to do is you want to duplicate the file that way we don't mess up the original, that's control J on the keyboard for shortcut. And we will zoom in, we will go up to the zoom tool and zoom in on the blemish that he has. There it is. Okay. Next, we're going to be going up to the clone stamp tool; click on that and you want to bring the brush down just a little bit using brackets on the keyboard. You can adjust your brush size. And if you hold down alt, that's going to bring up your target arrow and you want to basically sample any skin tone thats' around the blemish. The next step that we're going to do is we're going to basically use the brush to brush over any of the acne that we see. So, using the brush tool, you'll basically just brush right over any acne and you may need to re-sample if, if the face starts to get darker somewhere else. So, I will come down here and re-sample, pressing the alt and then, just keep brushing on top of the acne. Oop! And re-sample one more time just to get it a little darker and if I want to add a little bit of stubble, just to add it in where the blemish was, I can come over and sample some of the stubble. Now, I'm pretty much just duplicate the stubble right into position. Alt again, good. The last thing that we want to do is we want to save the image. So, go up to file, go down to save as; you can rename it, whatever you want to. Click okay; as your quality you want maximum. I'm Jimmy Lick from Joyriders TV Productions, thanks for watching.