Health & Medical Hypertension

COD Liver Oil Remedy for Pregnancy High Blood Pressure

    Cod Liver Oil

    • Cod liver oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which can help because it is an anti-inflammatory. It also contains vitamins A and D. Cod liver oil has DHA and EPA, which can help to reduce blood pressure.

    Fish Risks

    • Fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel and shrimp also have omega 3 fatty acids, but these foods can contain harmful toxins that can adversely affect mother and baby. Taking the cod liver oil is a safe option without exposing yourself to these toxins. You can drink oil plain, add with a beverage or take a capsule.

    Other Options

    • Krill oil, flax and hemp also contain omega 3 fatty acids recommended for high blood pressure. Walnut and algae are a few other options that contain these same essential fatty acids.


    • Be sure not to exceed recommended dosage as this may cause harm to the mother or the baby. Most capsules contain a dosage of approximately 500 mg of omega 3s.

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