Safety for Trappers
- Since trapping season in most U.S. states opens in the late fall and continues through most of the winter, dealing with cold weather is often a challenge. Always wear warm clothes when trapping in cold weather, wind or water. Even when trapping in temperatures as high as 50 degrees Fahrenheit, watch for signs of hypothermia, such as shivers, confusion and clumsiness. Avoid this danger by wearing warm dry clothes, hip boots and rubber gloves. If your clothes do get wet, change into dry ones as soon as possible. Drink warm fluids and wrap up in blankets to keep warm.
- To trap certain types of animals such as muskrats or beavers, you will sometimes set traps in or near the water. If you plan to use a boat, take a boating safety education course. Wear an inflatable personal flotation device to protect yourself from downing if your boat capsizes. Always travel upstream when trapping, as steep drop-offs are more likely to occur when heading downstream. Check the conditions of the water bed with a walking staff as you go.
- Animals carry a number of diseases that are potentially fatal to humans. Avoid animals that act sick, lethargic, restless or aggressive. Cook all game thoroughly before eating it. After handling animals, make sure and wash your hands with soap and water. Clean and disinfect any utensils used in the preparing of game with bleach and water. Don’t drink water from lakes and streams unless it has been treated. Use protective gloves, eye protection and coveralls to protect from accidental contamination from saliva or feces of animals as you remove them from traps.
- If you get scratched or bitten by an animal, immediately wash the wound with clean water and soap. After bandaging it, seek professional medical attention. If at all possible, confine the animal that bit you to have it tested for rabies. Kill it if you cannot confine it, but be careful not to damage the head. A lab tests the animal's brain tissue to search for the presence of the rabies virus.
- Make sure you are visible to hunters by wearing orange hunter clothing. Carry a compass and a GPS in case you get lost. Always bring waterproof matches and fire-starters. Don’t trap alone; bring a buddy who can go for help should you become ill or injured. Tell someone back home where you plan to go, even drawing a map if possible. Let him know what time you expect to return so that he will be alert to a potential problem if you are gone too long.