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Politicians Need to Stop Fighting Over Control and Do Something to Help the People

What has happened to our great nation? America was once a great leader in the world.
We were once a world power.
A country that other countries looked up to.
Now America is a nation of squabbling politicians who can not agree on anything.
Our elected politicians are not leaders.
They are like children who keep fighting over their toys.
Their only thought is to be in control.
If the Democrats say the sky is blue the Republicans will say it is green.
If the Republicans say it is blue the Democrats will say it is purple.
President Obama needs to stop blaming the Bush administration for all the problems and start doing something to fix them.
The economy and unemployment have gotten worse since Obama has been President so he has not done a great job either.
His stimulus packages have done more to increase the national debt than they have helped.
President Obama is trying to get the upper hand on the political issue to help ensure the Democrats win in the November election.
The Democrats are more interested in staying in control than they are in helping the country and its people.
The Republicans main concern is to defeat the Democrats and get control of the Congress.
They do not care about helping the people at this time.
President Obama blames the Republicans for refusing to help him turn around the failing economy.
The Republicans do not want to support some of his proposed new tax cuts for businesses now and in the past they supported the tax cuts for businesses when it was their idea and the Democrats were against it.
The Democrats are in danger of losing control so President Obama is trying to convince voters that they have to make a choice between going back to the GOP policies or going forward with his policies.
His policies have not worked so far.
It seems that President Obama is more interested in keeping control than helping the country and its people.
President Obama wants to let businesses write off 100% of their investments in equipment and plants through 2011.
This sounds good and maybe for the corporations it will be.
It will not help small businesses or the self-employed because no one is going to lend them the money to expand.
It does not matter how much money the government gives the banks for this purpose it will not be given to the small businesses or self-employed.
When the Republicans wanted the Bush tax cuts to remain in effect another year Obama was against it.
Now he has come up with the idea to leave them in effect for the lower incomes and raise taxes on the wealthy.
The Republicans are against this plan.
The Republicans and Democrats spend all their time going back and forth and not accomplishing anything.
Let's stop fighting over who is right and who is wrong and fix it.
Stop acting like children fighting over toys.
America and the American people are not toys.
Stop worrying about who will control the Congress and come up with a plan that will save the country and its people.
Act like grown up leaders and not like spoiled squabbling children.
Start working together and come up with a solution before it is too late.
Quit worrying about who might have put us in this situation and get us out of it.
It does not mater if you are a Democrat or a Republican; you have been entrusted by the people to run a great nation.
Republicans and Democrats are human and their blood is red just like the people who voted for them.
It is time for the politicians to start acting like leaders and lead.

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