Pets & Animal Veterinary Medicine

Meet Potamus the Mastiff

The Westminster spotlight on this site for 2011 is veterinary professionals; veterinarians and veterinary technicians, who show dogs at Westminster.

Meet Potamus, a Mastiff owned by M.C. Kay, a veterinary technician who in her words, is "a complete newbie to the whole Westminster thing." M.C. became interested in Mastiffs after caring for a neglected and abandoned Mastiff who she helped back to health.

Meet M.C. and Potamus as they prepare for their first Westminster.

Meet Potamus the Mastiff

1) What dog are you showing this year? (name, age, gender, breed)

Answer: My dog's name is Ch. Owenspride Better Weight Than Never. He is a male mastiff who goes by the name of "Potamus" in his real life. (Potamus, as in, hippo!) He weighs 218 pounds. He lives with his mother and his two littermate sisters; and a miniature schnauzer.

2) How many years have you shown at Westminster?

Answer: This is my very first year; I am a complete newbie to the whole Westminster thing. I have never even been to Madison Square Garden. I can't even tell you the last time I was in NYC... I think I was a little kid at the time.

3) What can you tell us about this breed, and how did you become interested in this breed?

Answer:The first Mastiff I ever met was a female named Goldie; she actually came into the vet clinic I worked at. She had been abandoned and had a horrible case of cellulitis down one leg; very painful. She had been left in a basement for days at least; perhaps weeks.

She had no reason to trust any of us; and we had to do many things to her that were uncomfortable; and this dog was just so stoic and..just, a sublimely peaceful and beautiful animal.

Mastiffs are tender and warm dogs; they are giant but fragile and vulnerable. They have the ability to make you feel like a small child when you cuddle up with them. They love to cuddle; at least mine do!

4) Does your dog do any other types of training (obedience, agility, search and rescue) or therapy work?

Answer: Potamus just recently began showing in AKC Rally. He had a trial this past weekend and did extremely well! Sometimes it's hard to find his "On" button; he is somewhat bovine in his attitude at times, but he was really into his Rally this weekend and he qualified and got two legs towards his first title.

The judge was absolutely enthralled with his performance, and our team work. I believe very strongly in fostering a feeling of positive and loving teamwork between myself and my dogs. I clicker train him and all of my dogs; from a very very early age. I actually began clicker training him in the whelping box, as he was nursing! And even with THAT much of a head start, he isn't as advanced as he could be.

He is very bright; he just likes to hide it behind those wrinkles.

5) Do you incorporate dog show life with veterinary practice in any way?

Answer: You know, I don't. I find that most people in veterinary practice have a very negative feeling towards people whose passion it is to show and breed dogs.

6) Do you face any special challenges or have any interesting stories as a veterinary professional participating in dog shows?

Answer: Well, I always feel that I have a better first aid kit than most anyone else there, and I do a better job than most owners as far as preventing overheating (which is something our breed does in warm weather).

I try to keep an eye out for other dogs who might be getting into trouble here and there; and most of my friends know I am in the field and would come to me if they needed help at a show.

As far as interesting stories, the only funny one I can think of was the time I finished my first dog, Owen. It was a summery kind of day; and I happened to be in the middle of testing one of my cats for some trypsin panel that was to be done on blood. It required multiple samples taken a few hours apart. I ended up bringing my cat with me to the dog show!

He was the coolest cat; and I had him all set up in a big crate in the vehicle. I drew a sample in the car with my husband holding him (miraculous!). Then I went in the ring with my dog, WON; which made him a New Champion. Very exciting stuff; first Champion for me, etc. His breeder had brought some contraband champagne and we were in the parking lot enjoying it when I remembered I had to go draw another sample! I almost screwed the WHOLE test up by being late, but I got it done just in time. And, to finish the story; the results of COURSE were totally normal and it was back to the drawing board, for him.

7) Is there anything else you would like to add?

Answer: I would like to add that I am super proud to be showing Potamus. He was bred by me and is entirely handed by me. He finished the year in the Top 25 for his Breed. He became a Champion by taking back to back five point majors at Supported Entries; and by going BREED above the special dogs. The mastiff entry for each day was over 120! He is the product of my FIRST litter.

Thank you, M.C. Kay, for telling us about the Mastiff breed and sharing stories about Potamus. Best wishes for this year's show.

Related Information:Wesminster Kennel Club

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