Pets & Animal Veterinary Medicine

6 Things To Know About Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac

The questions of if pets can get poison ivy or if they can spread poison ivy (and related plants) to their human family are common. Here are 6 things you should know about poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac and pets.

1) Know What to Look For

These plants are common throughout the US in varying concentrations, with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii. While the woods are a common place to find poison ivy, oak and sumac, you may also encounter them along streams, roadsides, and in parks and backyards.

Knowing how to identify these plants is the first step. Here are some great photo galleries and identification tips from
  • Poison Ivy from David Beaulieu, Guide to Landscaping
  • Poison Oak from Wendy Bumgardner, Guide to Walking
  • Poison Sumac from David Beaulieu, Guide to Landscaping

2) Do Pets Get Poison Ivy?

Thankfully, no. They seem to be immune from the allergenic effects of urushiol, the plant oil that is rash and blister-inducing for humans.
Read more: Do Pets Get Poison Ivy?

3) Can I Get Poison Ivy From My Dog?

Unfortunately, yes. While pets do not seem to get the rashes and blisters that humans get, they are a common source for human allergic reactions from these plants.
Learn how to: Get rid of poison ivy on pets, clothes and surfaces.

4) Urushiol May Persist For Years on Surfaces

Urushiol is an extremely long-lived oil in the environment and on surfaces such as pet hair. Don't be fooled by dead poison ivy/oak/sumac plants, either. This oil may persist for years and be a source of "re-infection" long after the plant is gone.

5) Urushiol is Highly Allergenic

Some individuals react with the very first contact with these plants, sometimes it takes repeated exposures (known or not).

Never assume that you are immune. Play it safe or you may join the poison ivy skin rash hall of fame.

6) Getting Rid of These Plants Can Be Difficult and Dangerous

Handling these plants, roots and vines are difficult, even when precautions of protective clothing and respirators are used. Tools must be washed with rubbing alcohol and copious amounts water. It is important to note that these plants should never be burned. Doing this releases this toxic oil into the air, potentially causing very serious allergic reactions.
Here are some safe tips for removing these plants, from the Guide to Landscaping.

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