Business & Finance Wealth Building

Decide To Take Your First Steps To Financial Freedom

Making the decision in the first place is the most important of your steps to financial freedom. The word "decision" is derived from the Latin "decision" literally meaning to cut oneself off from any other possibility. Most people don"t know how to make a committed decision and rarely do so. In reality, they tend to have great wishes, rather than great goals and consequently rarely manifest these in the outside world.

Making a truly committed decision means that you need to have powerful reasons. When the "why" is clear and compelling, the "how" becomes easy. Powerful reasons fall into 2 motivational categories "" "towards" and "away from".
An example of a powerful "towards" motivator for taking your first steps to financial freedom might be "in order to be able to pay for my children to go on to further education and have them emerge in a financially sound position".
An example of a powerful "away from" motivator might be "so that I never again have to suffer the indignity of not being able to order any item on the menu when I take someone special out for a meal".

Pain and pleasure are the two governing forces of your life and some of us are more "away from" motivated while others are more "towards" motivated. Think about what really gets you into action "" moving away from pain or towards pleasure. You can do this by making a list of how achieving financial freedom will move you 1. Away from pain and 2. Towards pleasure. Then, look at the two lists and see which seems the most compelling "" this will provide a strong clue as to your primary source of motivation. Take the top 3 motivators from each list (towards and away from) and put them somewhere you can see them every day "" such as the bathroom mirror or kitchen table.

Research has consistently shown that moving away from pain is generally a more powerful initial motivator for people, but that they need to be able to move towards pleasure in order to keep going, overcome obstacles and achieve any significant, worthwhile goal. So when thinking about your own steps to financial freedom, start with 2 or 3 powerful "away from" motivators and then add the same number of powerful "towards" motivators.

Taking the first steps to financial freedom always starts with a decision so make yours today. Add powerful supporting reasons from both of the driving forces "" pain and pleasure. Soon you"ll have an unstoppable momentum and financial freedom will be well on the way.

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