Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Permanent Hemorrhoid Cures

If you've ever suffered from hemorrhoids at all, you know you want to get rid of these things for good.
The question comes up, though, how exactly do you accomplish that? Unfortunately, once you get hemorrhoids it's impossible to completely guarantee that they won't come back.
On the other hand, there is a lot you can do to greatly reduce the chances of hemroid recurrence, so you may as well do all you can.
After all, allowing hemorrhoids to rule your life is silly.
The first area you can reduce the risk of hemorrhoids is in your lifestyle.
When it comes to hemorrhoids, diet and exercise are absolutely everything.
As human beings we evolved to wander throughout our day.
In fact, a fit human being can walk farther and longer than any other animal on Earth.
Given that, you can understand that failing to exercise can lead to serious problems.
In addition, we evolved to be omnivorous, and the most plentiful food source is usually plants.
They don't run away and they're growing all over the place.
Animal protein was a garnish, a pleasant food whenever it could be obtained but hardly the foundation for most people's diet.
The best way to start improving your diet is slowly.
That sounds rather odd considering that most people try to change bad things as quickly as possible.
However, that instant gratification trend has been responsible for a lot of misery, particularly in the diet department.
How many people have gone from a high-fat diet to eating sawdust in the name of weight loss? And how often have they succeeded for any appreciable length of time? First, you inevitably compare the unappetizing sawdust you're eating now to the fat and flavor rich food you were eating yesterday and temptation starts pulling at the stomach.
Second, if you suddenly shove a bunch of high fiber food down the hatch with no transition period, your gastrointestinal system is going to make you miserable.
You'll be bloated, nauseous, and gassy.
Who wants to put up with all that? The idea is to introduce pleasant, good tasting fiber sources to your diet over a period of time.
The other things you can do to eliminate the risk of hemorrhoids are fairly simple and mechanical in nature.
Get a footstool and use it whenever you're sitting on the toilet.
That engages the muscles of your pelvic floor to support the hemorrhoid veins, reducing the risk that gravity will pull on them too much.
Only sit on the toilet for five minutes at a time.
If you haven't gone by then, then get up and walk around for a bit before sitting back down.
Use plain, white, unscented toilet paper and don't wipe too hard.
If you're concerned about hygiene, then it's better to pat gently with moistened toilet paper or moistened wipes than scrubbing at the area.
Avoid tight, constricting clothing, and underwear that's made from synthetic material.
In addition, you may want to switch to hypoallergenic soaps and detergents without irritating dyes or perfumes.
Once you've gotten hemorrhoids the first time you are more prone to getting them again for a variety of reasons.
The tissue that the hemorrhoids originated from will be weaker and more likely to give way.
In addition, the whole area has obviously been placed under sufficient stress to develop hemorrhoids once so you don't know where weak points in the vein walls have developed.
Take care of yourself, eliminate as many causes as you can, and hemorrhoids should shortly be a thing of the past.

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