Mold on Bread
Opening a package of bread and pulling out slices decorated with mold is frustrating and distasteful, but one of our most commonly used antibiotics, penicillin, may have had its beginnings as mold on bread.
Today, many people experiment with mold by purposefully growing it on bread slices.
Going back in history to ancient days, a slab of moldy bread was applied to wounds as a healing measure.
While these practices were certainly not scientific, it did lay the foundation for future scientists and researchers to continue investigating the valuable properties of mold.
It wasn't until 1928 that it was discovered that mold actually killed live bacteria.
However helpful it may have been in discovering that mold could be used in a beneficial manner, it is still a bit disconcerting to find mold on bread that you had planned to eat.
Mold has specific environmental needs in order to grow.
Since it is a living organism, it requires food, moisture and the ideal temperature.
Of these, moisture is the most important, as water is necessary to the very existence of mold.
The composition of mold is mostly water, similar to humans.
Temperature is the next condition that mold relies on; preferring the warmth of around 80° for optimal growth.
There are actually many types of mold; on bread, the majority of types are found in the group Zygomycota, which contains about 700 species.
There is likely no way to determine which type of mold might grow on a slice of bread.
Many of these molds simply grow and multiply; others, however, have the ability to produce mycotoxins, which compromise the health of humans.
Numerous science projects are continually conducted to test different theories about mold on bread.
It should be noted that anyone growing mold for any purpose should take precautions; any type of mold can be hazardous to health, especially to those whose immune systems are weak.
Wearing gloves, a mask that covers the nose and mouth and using sealed containers to prevent spores from entering the air you breathe are all steps you should take to avoid contact with the mold spores.
Clean all surfaces and equipment used in experiments with bleach or a biocide.
Some of these experiments have resulted in some interesting facts.
For instance, you will likely never see mold on bread made of sourdough.
Many experts believe this is because of the high acidity of sourdough, although some molds are able to live in mildly acidic conditions.
Refrigerated bread, or bread kept in a cool, dry spot will either not mold or produce mold at a much slower rate; remember that molds enjoy a warm, moist climate.
While mold on bread that you were planning to eat can be disgusting, keep in mind that many discoveries have been made by producing these organisms this way.
Today, many people experiment with mold by purposefully growing it on bread slices.
Going back in history to ancient days, a slab of moldy bread was applied to wounds as a healing measure.
While these practices were certainly not scientific, it did lay the foundation for future scientists and researchers to continue investigating the valuable properties of mold.
It wasn't until 1928 that it was discovered that mold actually killed live bacteria.
However helpful it may have been in discovering that mold could be used in a beneficial manner, it is still a bit disconcerting to find mold on bread that you had planned to eat.
Mold has specific environmental needs in order to grow.
Since it is a living organism, it requires food, moisture and the ideal temperature.
Of these, moisture is the most important, as water is necessary to the very existence of mold.
The composition of mold is mostly water, similar to humans.
Temperature is the next condition that mold relies on; preferring the warmth of around 80° for optimal growth.
There are actually many types of mold; on bread, the majority of types are found in the group Zygomycota, which contains about 700 species.
There is likely no way to determine which type of mold might grow on a slice of bread.
Many of these molds simply grow and multiply; others, however, have the ability to produce mycotoxins, which compromise the health of humans.
Numerous science projects are continually conducted to test different theories about mold on bread.
It should be noted that anyone growing mold for any purpose should take precautions; any type of mold can be hazardous to health, especially to those whose immune systems are weak.
Wearing gloves, a mask that covers the nose and mouth and using sealed containers to prevent spores from entering the air you breathe are all steps you should take to avoid contact with the mold spores.
Clean all surfaces and equipment used in experiments with bleach or a biocide.
Some of these experiments have resulted in some interesting facts.
For instance, you will likely never see mold on bread made of sourdough.
Many experts believe this is because of the high acidity of sourdough, although some molds are able to live in mildly acidic conditions.
Refrigerated bread, or bread kept in a cool, dry spot will either not mold or produce mold at a much slower rate; remember that molds enjoy a warm, moist climate.
While mold on bread that you were planning to eat can be disgusting, keep in mind that many discoveries have been made by producing these organisms this way.