Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Skin Facts - Understanding your skin

Skin Facts - Understanding your skin and knowing more about the amazing organ the largest in the body which covers 10 -20 square feet.
It forms a boundary between from the outside to the inside.
Highly versatile and flexible it helps you to keep warm at the same time keeping you cool, thus regulating the body's temperature.
Skin Facts - It protects you from the environment, harmful substances ,and harmful organisms, diseases and infections.
At the same time allowing absorbent lubricantsand medications through to help prevent harmful diseases.
Such as heart attacks, motion sickness, also helping people avoid pregnancy andsmoking patches for example.
As you can see it is a selective barrierthat is tough enough, and versatile enough and this vital organ inconstantly looking after your needs.
This complicated organhas many layers.
If you think of the skin as a house sitting on the earth it will be easy to understand.
Skin Facts - Our House Think ofthe base layer of our house as the earth on which our house stands.
The house is made of 2x parts and the earth it rests on.
The house is a 2x floors and a basement which is made of bricks with a roof and the bricks are joined by cement.
Compared to a house the outer thinner space is called the epidermis ( our house) and the inner thicker layer level is called the dermis ( the earth).
So the epidermis (our house) rests on the dermis ( the earth) Our house is made of bricks and cement with a roof .
The outer space of the (epidermis) is constructed of so called bricks which we call skin cells or keratinocytes.
These bricks they are joined with cement not unlike our skin cells they are attached with desmosomes.
This cement creates a continuous layer joining the bricks whichin turn runs as a continuos layer.
The following layer or parts of our house are:- Epidermis Basal Layer (Basement) Spinous Layer (First Floor) Granular Layer (Second Floor) Cornified Layer (Roof) This is our house in simplistic terms and an easy way to remember how it is constructed.
If you would like to know more about the skin and how to look after it contact -

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