Network Marketing Success: Overcoming Objections
Do you want to by a network marketing success story? Objection handling is important to your overall success. Here are some of the top objections that I get. Many people are afraid of objections, but actually getting objections is a positive thing. First of all, objections don't mean the a prospect isn't interested in the offer, objections are arise because the prospect needs more information. Maybe they're just testing you. Secondly, if you're at the point in your business that you're handling objections it means that you're driving traffic to your blog and generating leads. You're accomplishing quite a bit.
So here is a list of some of the biggest objections that I get in my business:
The best way to be ready for objection handling is to prepare for them. So lets look into this a little.
Here are a few ways that I handle these objections:
How much money are you making? - If you're well on the road to financial independence then this isn't a problem, but if you're still in the early phases of building your business then respond by saying: "I didn't make much in the beginning, but how much do you need to make in order to quit your job?", or "It doesn't matter how much I make. What's important is how much money you are capable of earning"
I don't have the money - I like to ask the prospect, "If you did have the money, what is it that interest you about owning your own business" This gets them thinking about their dreams again and refocuses them on the bigger picture. Another way to handle this objection is by asking "Do you really want to continue spending all your time working for somebody else and helping them build their dreams or is it time you start building your own dreams?"
I don't have the time - You can ask, "If you keep doing what you're doing right now, do you think that in the next few years you will have either more or less time? One of the advantages of network marketing is that you can leverage your time through the efforts of other people." You can also ask them how much time they think is required to start building their business and explain that many successful people got started doing this part time. Ask them how much time per week they'd be willing to invest in their future.
I don't like to sell - It's important to agree with them and that most people don't like to sell. Ask them: "If you had found a system that really worked and all you had to do was follow a proven process, wouldn't you want to tell others about it?" It's just like talking about a great restaurant or a good movie. The main part of this business revolves around coaching and working with others. Ask the prospect: "Do you have any concerns about working with and inspiring others if it benefits you financially?"
Is this a pyramid scheme? - A great way to approach this is to ask them what their definition of a pyramid scheme is and say that's the way you use to think too. Then you can ask them: "If you draw an organizational chart of the company you work for, what would that chart look like" you see it doesn't really matter what line of work they're in, whether its a corporation or a church, just about any organizational structure looks like a pyramid. Remind them that a pyramid scheme is the enchange of money without the exchange of goods or services. All legitimate network marketing companies offer quality goods and services.
Donald Trump was recently on the Tonight Show with David Letterman and the subject of network marketing came up and The Donald said he recommended network marketing to anybody who is serious about starting their own business. The audience chuckled at the notion of network marketing and Trump responded by saying "that's why you're out there and why I'm up here." That shut everybody up pretty quickly. Objection handling in network marketing doesn't have to be your achilles heel.
You can be a network marketing success. You should look it as recognition that you're business is moving in the right direction and you've reached that point. Just remain confident and prepare yourself in advance for objections. Create and if-then scenario. If they say this then I say that. Obviously whole books are written and college courses are devoted to the art of objection handling. I can't possibly cover everything in a 1000 word article. My hope is that it inspires you to keep positive and remember how for you've come in building a better future for yourself.
So here is a list of some of the biggest objections that I get in my business:
- How much money are you making?
- I don't have the money.
- I don't have the time.
- I don't like to sell.
- Is this a pyramid scheme?
The best way to be ready for objection handling is to prepare for them. So lets look into this a little.
- Neutralize the objections - Never be defensive and alway be confident.
- Rephrase the objection in order to make sure that you understand what the prospect is saying.
- Agree with them and say things such as: "Thanks for sharing your concern", or "I can appreciate that", or "That's exactly the way I used to feel"
- Bring up the objection yourself before the prospect does and get it out in the open. Say something such as "You know, a lot of people say they can't afford starting their own business", or "I used to think that network marketing was a pyramid scheme".
- Assume the sale - Perhaps the prospect is someone who opted into one of you offers. You can say: "Hey I saw that you were on my blog, have you had a chance to watch the video?" "What did you like best about it?", "Why don't we go ahead and get started?", "Are you sitting in front of your computer? I'll walk you through everyhting."
- Get to know the prospect first - This is called the "discovery phase". Perhaps you shouldn't try to close them right away. This is a bid decision for most people, so don't rush things. Maybe you shouldn't kiss the girl on the first date. It's important to build rapport and gain the prospects trust. They ventured onto your blog for a reason. Ask them what they were looking for and what their motivation is . Let them tell their story. They might sell themselves in the process.
- Reply to their question and with a question. They should be doing 70% of the talking.
Network Marketing Success
Here are a few ways that I handle these objections:
How much money are you making? - If you're well on the road to financial independence then this isn't a problem, but if you're still in the early phases of building your business then respond by saying: "I didn't make much in the beginning, but how much do you need to make in order to quit your job?", or "It doesn't matter how much I make. What's important is how much money you are capable of earning"
I don't have the money - I like to ask the prospect, "If you did have the money, what is it that interest you about owning your own business" This gets them thinking about their dreams again and refocuses them on the bigger picture. Another way to handle this objection is by asking "Do you really want to continue spending all your time working for somebody else and helping them build their dreams or is it time you start building your own dreams?"
I don't have the time - You can ask, "If you keep doing what you're doing right now, do you think that in the next few years you will have either more or less time? One of the advantages of network marketing is that you can leverage your time through the efforts of other people." You can also ask them how much time they think is required to start building their business and explain that many successful people got started doing this part time. Ask them how much time per week they'd be willing to invest in their future.
I don't like to sell - It's important to agree with them and that most people don't like to sell. Ask them: "If you had found a system that really worked and all you had to do was follow a proven process, wouldn't you want to tell others about it?" It's just like talking about a great restaurant or a good movie. The main part of this business revolves around coaching and working with others. Ask the prospect: "Do you have any concerns about working with and inspiring others if it benefits you financially?"
Is this a pyramid scheme? - A great way to approach this is to ask them what their definition of a pyramid scheme is and say that's the way you use to think too. Then you can ask them: "If you draw an organizational chart of the company you work for, what would that chart look like" you see it doesn't really matter what line of work they're in, whether its a corporation or a church, just about any organizational structure looks like a pyramid. Remind them that a pyramid scheme is the enchange of money without the exchange of goods or services. All legitimate network marketing companies offer quality goods and services.
Network Marketing Success
Donald Trump was recently on the Tonight Show with David Letterman and the subject of network marketing came up and The Donald said he recommended network marketing to anybody who is serious about starting their own business. The audience chuckled at the notion of network marketing and Trump responded by saying "that's why you're out there and why I'm up here." That shut everybody up pretty quickly. Objection handling in network marketing doesn't have to be your achilles heel.
You can be a network marketing success. You should look it as recognition that you're business is moving in the right direction and you've reached that point. Just remain confident and prepare yourself in advance for objections. Create and if-then scenario. If they say this then I say that. Obviously whole books are written and college courses are devoted to the art of objection handling. I can't possibly cover everything in a 1000 word article. My hope is that it inspires you to keep positive and remember how for you've come in building a better future for yourself.