Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids Home Remedy - My Recommended Hemorrhoids Home Remedy Proven to Provide Relief

Hemorrhoids are a condition that affects a large percentage of the population.
Some estimates place the percentage at between 40 - 60%.
It is difficult to gauge accurately because most people suffer in silence, too embarrassed to see a doctor or talk to friends and family.
The point is you are not alone.
Millions of people are suffering with you and silently pleading for an effective hemorrhoids home remedy.
The good news is that there is a program developed by a former sufferer that really does work.
After years of suffering the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids, I found this program on the internet about nine months ago and have been hemorrhoid free since.
I would tend to believe that if you have hemorrhoids - you know it.
But if you're not sure, external hemorrhoids present themselves as protrusions around your anus.
They can present themselves in various sizes, anywhere from the size of a pea to almost a golf ball size in extreme cases.
Even small pea size hemorrhoids can be extremely unpleasant, and can cause pain and discomfort in simple everyday activities such as sitting and walking.
There are many recommended OTC treatments to bring relief.
The most common hemorrhoids home remedy would be creams and ointments such as Preparation H, Tronolane Anesthetic Hemorrhoid Cream, and many others.
These hemorrhoids creams can often offer some measure of relief from pain and may also work at reducing the size of hemorrhoids.
Another home hemorrhoid remedy is a sitz bath.
A sitz baths is simply sitting in several inches of lukewarm bath water and is meant to soothe the area and relieve some of the discomfort.
You should not use soap as this may irritate the inflamed area.
When done you should pat the area dry as opposed to rubbing which could be very painful.
Unfortunately, these and other commonly prescribed treatments are going to provide only temporary relief.
The problem is that most treatments will address the symptoms and not the cause which can often mean a recurrence is likely at some point.
The H miracle is a guide created by a woman who has been where you are today, has suffered the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids, and has created a hemorrhoids home remedy program that is easy to follow.
She shares her methods of naturally curing hemorrhoids in as little as 48 hours.
Ingredients are inexpensive and can be purchased from your local grocery store.
It has been used by thousands of people including myself, who testify that their hemorrhoids have been completely cured and no relapses since.

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