Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Diagnosing And Treating Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are more common than you think, afflicting both men and women, the young and the old.
This painful condition is so painful that almost half the population have hemorrhoids by age 50.
Hemorrhoids usually appear inside and around the anal cavity opening and can be small in size and go up to the size of a grape which can be itchy or painful.
There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external.
Depending on the location, symptoms may include pain, inflammation, itching, and a feeling of fullness following a bowel movement.
Some hemorrhoids fissures are more external on the skin and readily visible.
Other fissures are situated more deeply inside.
On occasion, external hemorrhoids may protrude (prolapse) into the anal canal and to the outside of the GI tract.
Internal hemorrhoids are treated according to their classification.
Treatment may be surgical or nonsurgical.
Internal hemorrhoids can range from small, swollen veins in the wall of the anal canal to large, sagging veins and tissue that bulge out of the anus all the time.
You also may see mucus on the stool or toilet tissue, from hemorrhoids that stick out.
The infection then spreads into the space around the rectum and forms an abscess.
This condition requires urgent surgical drainage.
Veins can swell inside the anal canal to form internal hemorrhoids.
Or they can swell near the opening of the anus to form external hemorrhoids.
Your provider may insert a small plastic tool called an anoscope an inch or two into the rectum to look for internal hemorrhoids or other causes of bleeding in the rectum.
If these exams do not find a cause for the bleeding, and especially if you are at risk for colon cancer because of your age or family history, you may have a special exam called a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy.
An anoscope is a lighted tube useful for viewing internal hemorrhoids.
A proctoscope, is used to examine the entire rectum.
At that time the internal anal sphincterotomy was introduced and gained acceptance.
This was felt to be less traumatic than the dilatations as they were customarily performed.
Internal hemorrhoids are easily fissured, with bleeding and sometimes protrude outside the anus after defecation, producing strangulated pain.
External hemorrhoids may thrombose, with blood clots forming beneath the skin.
Results for nonprolapsing hemorrhoids appear to show that this is a superior technique to injection sclerotherapy.
It is less technique dependent and avoids the potential complications of misplaced injections.
The pain often disappears a few days after surgery, though full healing requires one to two months Most patients are back to normal activity within a week or two.
They are basically skin-covered veins that have ballooned and appear blue.
Usually they appear without any symptoms.
Some of the common hemorrhoids relief includes salves and suppositories which may soothe hemorrhoids until the tissues around them can heal, but they don't make hemorrhoids disappear.
Cortisone products can reduce inflammation.
Sitz baths should be taken in warm water 2 or 3 times per day; their effectiveness may be, in part, related to relaxation of the internal anal sphincter.
Anorectal creams and ointments are usually recommended for external hemorrhoids.
Squatting while defecating, plus fasting and internal cleansing therapies are highly recommended in the long run, as is the external application of aloe vera in cases of continuous bleeding or itching.
Internal hemorrhoids can also cause acute pain when incarcerated and strangulated.
Again, the pain is related to the sphincter complex spasm.
Fibre supplementation has been shown to reduce episodes of bleeding and discomfort in patients with internal hemorrhoids.
It may take up to six weeks for significant improvement.
This technique is used only for internal hemorrhoids.
Sometimes a chemical is injected around the vein to shrink the hemorrhoid.
Aching after a bowel movement can occur with internal hemorrhoids.
Pain during bowel movements that is described as "being cut with sharp glass" usually indicates a fissure.
Healing hemorrhoids for good involves lifestyles and diet habit changes.
The healing starts from within.
Certain herbal remedies are known to heal hemorrhoids gradually with permanent results.
To know more options on alternative hemorrhoids treatments, visit BleedingHemorrhoids.

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