Self Cultivation in "Kung Fu Panda"
"Kung Fu panda" shows that foreign countries have realized the self-cultivation is one most important part of Chinese culture, and they even have a black belt in Chinese culture that Chinese culture is reserved which is completely different from that of other culture.
There is a shot that Wu Gui master predicted that Tai Lang would come back, he would destroy the Peace Valley and took away the dragon scroll to become the dragon warrior, when he told this news to Shi fu, Shi fu became very nervous, Wu gui master asked him to calm down and let Shi fu to come with him to the pool where is in the center of Jade Palace.
He gave the words to Shi fu: "Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.
" Another shot, Shi fu traces the inner peace when he is at the study of self-cultivation.
Sometimes, we will care too much about the results and the views others see us, here comes the impressive lines of Wu gui master: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.
That is why it's called the present (the gift).
" The last shot, when Po opened the dragon scroll, and found it was blank, he didn't know why.
Later on, his father tells him that: "The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is nothing.
To make something special, you just have to believe it's special.
" From his father's words, Po realized what the dragon scroll wants to express is that the dragon warrior should trust himself.
And at the end of the story, Po defeats Tai Lang and saves the citizens in the Peace Valley.
The examples above can show that foreigners have a deep understanding of self-cultivation and express them in a Chinese reserve way.
They also have come to know Zen Awaking which is a key part of Chinese culture.
From the opinion of Zen Buddhism, Zen is to see the hope from all kinds of affairs.
It is to realize the meaning of life, get rid of trouble, see the future of one's career, be positive and find freedom in spirituality.
There is a shot that Wu Gui master predicted that Tai Lang would come back, he would destroy the Peace Valley and took away the dragon scroll to become the dragon warrior, when he told this news to Shi fu, Shi fu became very nervous, Wu gui master asked him to calm down and let Shi fu to come with him to the pool where is in the center of Jade Palace.
He gave the words to Shi fu: "Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.
" Another shot, Shi fu traces the inner peace when he is at the study of self-cultivation.
Sometimes, we will care too much about the results and the views others see us, here comes the impressive lines of Wu gui master: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.
That is why it's called the present (the gift).
" The last shot, when Po opened the dragon scroll, and found it was blank, he didn't know why.
Later on, his father tells him that: "The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is nothing.
To make something special, you just have to believe it's special.
" From his father's words, Po realized what the dragon scroll wants to express is that the dragon warrior should trust himself.
And at the end of the story, Po defeats Tai Lang and saves the citizens in the Peace Valley.
The examples above can show that foreigners have a deep understanding of self-cultivation and express them in a Chinese reserve way.
They also have come to know Zen Awaking which is a key part of Chinese culture.
From the opinion of Zen Buddhism, Zen is to see the hope from all kinds of affairs.
It is to realize the meaning of life, get rid of trouble, see the future of one's career, be positive and find freedom in spirituality.