Health & Medical Anti Aging

Simple Steps to Make Your Own Collagen Facial

Collagen is the key element in the skin cells that makes your skin supple.
Collagen facialsboost the elasticity of your facial skin by enhancing or stimulating collagen production.
An efficientcollagen facialshould not only deliver enough collagen to your skin but also stimulate your own cells to produce more collagen.
While there are a wide variety ofcollagen facialproducts, nature gives you an alternative resort to avail attraction in the most inexpensive way.
You can actually make your own organic blend that can provide temporary effects which are similar to acollagen facial .
Just follow these simple steps: 1.
Assemble the things that you will need.
· Fresh avocado fruit · Fresh kiwi fruit · Lemon (optional) · A small mixing bowl · A small mixing spoon 2.
Using the spoon, carefully get the creamy area of the avocado without including the tough section.
Drop an adequate amount on the mixing bowl.
Slice the kiwi fruit into half.
Remove its pulp and the hairy part.
Drop this in the mixing bowl.
You may add drips of lemon juice to give extra vitamin C.
But it may cause some itching when applied on a sensitive skin.
Mash the two fruits together; making sure that it is properly mixed.
You may now apply your home-madecollagen facial .
Allow some time so that your skin can absorb it.
After few minutes, remove it using a clean cloth.
Rinse your face with tepid water and pat it dry with a clean face towel.
You may choose to make more collagen facial in the future, so do not discard the left over fruits.
Just make sure to follow the aforementioned steps.
Avocado fruit is rich in phtyochemicals called antioxidants that are well known to combat free radicals in the cells.
On the other hand, kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C and is also a good source of antioxidant.
However, it is not wise to assume that blending these fruits and applying it topically can deliver collagen into your skin cells.
Collagen cannot be absorbed by the skin pores, but applying this home-made mixture may enhance the collagen synthesis.

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