Health & Medical Anxiety

2 Powerful Ways to Fight Stress

When you are under the gun everything can seem overwhelming.
Stress can make it so that you can't get out of bed in the morning or fall asleep at night.
It means that suddenly you are suffering from heart burn and indigestion no matter what you eat, gaining weight and without the energy to exercise.
Your outlook becomes bleak, you become constantly sick with colds and the flu, and despair can make everything seem negative and too much.
It is precisely at this point that you need to mount an intervention in your own life and take control of stress, and this article will look at two powerful ways to do just that.
The first powerful and simple concept that you need to understand is that nothing is worth living in despair over.
If your job is truly horrible, than quit and find another one.
If a relationship is abusive, then leave.
If you are failing at something, step back and outline steps to success.
This advice may sound over simple, but it is fundamentally true.
Nobody is responsible for your life and the way you live it other than yourself.
Nobody can force you to do something you don't want to.
If you are suffering from stress due to a bad situation, take control.
This can mean anything from simply stepping away and refusing to allow it to drag you down further to creating a constructive plan that allows you to assert yourself.
The best way to deal with stress is to take positive, powerful control of your situation.
Another fantastic and simple way to handle stress is to exercise.
As you become stressed out cortisone levels build in your body, suppressing your immune system, attacking your stomach lining and impairing your sensitivity to hormones such as insulin.
Exercise does the opposite; it causes you to produce more human growth hormone and testosterone, so that you begin to build muscle, clear out your blood of excess sugar, wash your brain in endorphins and feel generally rejuvenated.
You won't feel like exercising until you begin, and that's the trick: exercise even if you don't have the energy, exercise even if you have to drag yourself out for your run or weight lifting session.
By the end of it you will have dealt your stress levels a huge blow, will feel energized, your mood will be elevated, and everything will seem more manageable!

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