Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Different Methods on How to Cure Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be very painful, with symptoms such as itching, pain, and burning.
They do not cure themselves, so it is important to treat them properly and in a timely manner.
There is different severity of this condition, and each has different treatment recommendations.
Normally the mildest version of the condition is treated with the various home treatment methods that are available.
Only if these do not work or if the case is more serious are other methods used to try to cure hemorrhoids.
There are various home treatment methods that can be used to cure hemorrhoids.
These include dietary changes, in which a person drinks more fluids and eats more fiber in order to make it easier to pass stools, as well as taking stool softeners, which are used for the same reason.
There are also a variety of topical creams that can be purchased in order to make the condition less painful.
Some people find some relief from the pain through taking warm sitz baths, using cold compresses, or applying witch hazel to the area.
The natural treatments for hemorrhoids, which include many of the home remedies mentioned above, can be very helpful for most milder cases.
If you truly want to cure hemorrhoids, you need to also take care to address the causes of the condition.
Being overweight makes it more likely that you will have this condition, as well as being constipated.
You should change your diet to address these conditions.
You also want to make note that it isn't good to strain overly much as you are trying to use the toilet or lift heavy objects, as this can increase your chances of getting hemorrhoids, or make the ones you already have worse.
More severe cases of hemorrhoids that don't respond to home treatment may need to be treated by a doctor.
In most cases, fixative procedures such as those using rubber bands to cut of the blood supply to the hemorrhoids will help to get rid of them, though the side effects could include additional pain.
This type of treatment usually works for most people though.
Finally, if home treatment and fixative procedures have not worked, it is possible to cure hemorrhoids with surgery, though this really is a last resort as it requires more recovery time and involves more risks than the other treatment options that are available.

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