Sweet Leaf Plant Care
- Plant sweet leaf in a full-sun or partial shade location. Stevia prefers soil that drains well and is rich in organic matter. The plant grows poorly or dies back in locations subject to flooding. Improve drainage by amending the planting site with a 2-inch layer of compost.
- Plant sweet leaf in the spring after all danger of frost has passed. The plant will produce edible foliage into the fall, dying back after the first freeze.
- Sweet leaf is shallow-rooted. Though the plant can tolerate some drought, it does best with consistent, even moisture. Keep the top 2 inches of soil evenly moist by sprinkling stevia with water on a frequent basis. Daily drip irrigation also works well. Conserve soil moisture around the base of sweet leaf by applying a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch such as shredded bark.
- Feed stevia only once in the spring at planting time with a well-balanced fertilizer. Research has shown that stevia requires very few nutrients and that too much nitrogen leads to excessive amounts of poorly flavored foliage.
- Outdoor-grown sweet leaf is generally pest- and disease-free. Indoor-grown stevia can fall victim to aphids, thrips and whiteflies. Treat these troublesome insects by washing them off with a strong spray of water. Follow directions carefully if you use an insecticide to eradicate pests, as its use may affect when you harvest the stevia.
- Although you can clip stevia leaves or entire stalks throughout the spring and summer months, do your main harvest at the end of the growing season in the late summer when blooms have started to form. The leaves tend to be at their sweetest when temperatures are cooler and days have started to shorten. Sugar levels in the leaves also decline once the plant is flowering. Place harvested leaves in a warm area with good air circulation, and the foliage will dry in 24 to 48 hours. Sweet leaf foliage can also be used when fresh.
- Collect and root sweet leaf cuttings in the fall. Plant stevia in a well-draining potting soil and place in a sunny eastern or southern exposure window. Water when the soil surface dries. Move sweet leaf outdoors in the spring after the danger of frost has passed.