Bembridge Harbour
With 150 acres (mostly underwater at high-tide), Bembridge harbour is a popular harbour for yachts, and the fact it is situated on the popular holiday destination of the Isle of Wight makes it even more of a draw for tourists who happen to own yachts.
The harbours itself needs dredging every three years, as most harbours do.
This is to ensure that the harbour doesn't become cluttered with junk that snags onto boats and breaks their hulls or means they can't reach anyway to dock.
The Harbour itself doesn't just attract rich, yacht-bound visitors.
It also plays host to some wildlife, though they have to be careful to avoid the oil and other dangerous things that you can find around a harbour.
Still, some swans nest there, and little baby swans can be seen in the spring sometimes.
A sea taxi runs from the harbour, meaning that people staying there can get access to a huge amount of places on the island.
It also means that there is another member of staff at the harbour to look after visitors throughout the year.
Two other members of staff are around for three hours on either side of high tide, which is when boats are allowed to dock.
The harbour has laundry and shower facilities for people docked there as well, which many harbours have and is useful for visitors.
It is one of a very small amount of privately owned harbours in Britain, and because of this is a draw to tourists and yachters alike.
It's estimated that each year the harbour turns over £600,000, which is not a small amount of money!
The harbours itself needs dredging every three years, as most harbours do.
This is to ensure that the harbour doesn't become cluttered with junk that snags onto boats and breaks their hulls or means they can't reach anyway to dock.
The Harbour itself doesn't just attract rich, yacht-bound visitors.
It also plays host to some wildlife, though they have to be careful to avoid the oil and other dangerous things that you can find around a harbour.
Still, some swans nest there, and little baby swans can be seen in the spring sometimes.
A sea taxi runs from the harbour, meaning that people staying there can get access to a huge amount of places on the island.
It also means that there is another member of staff at the harbour to look after visitors throughout the year.
Two other members of staff are around for three hours on either side of high tide, which is when boats are allowed to dock.
The harbour has laundry and shower facilities for people docked there as well, which many harbours have and is useful for visitors.
It is one of a very small amount of privately owned harbours in Britain, and because of this is a draw to tourists and yachters alike.
It's estimated that each year the harbour turns over £600,000, which is not a small amount of money!