Health & Medical Anxiety

Eliminating Anxiety and Panic Attacks

You don't even like to think about the future anymore.
For one thing, you find it far less than comforting and as far as your life is concerned, the only thing that matters is right NOW.
And yet, you find it impossible to enjoy the present, and you know this is the only place you can succeed at eliminating anxiety and panic attacks.
After all, that is all anyone has to work with, but for you, in particular, the present moment has become an amplified experience of the future.
In fact, as much as you dislike thinking about the future, thoughts and fears of the unexpected -which only exists on a future timeline-are constantly looping through your mind.
As much as you might think that the thoughts themselves are responsible for your anxiety or panic attacks, it has far more to do with what you are doing with those thoughts.
Specifically, what you say to yourself about your fearful thoughts.
Your internal dialogue makes up the inner conversation, or self-talk you engage in all day long.
When a thought pops into mind, it's like you are narrating or commenting on the inner documentary of your subjective experience.
When you comment in a supportive manner, things are okay-even wonderful.
However, since much of this takes place outside of your conscious awareness, it's very hard to adequately monitor or edit the content of your inner chatter.
I'm about to share a very profound secret with you.
What I'm going to reveal will allow you to instantly experience something that Yogi's have had to meditate for years to be able to do; only because they did not know about this physiological secret.
But first, let me ask you something.
Have you ever tried to shut your inner voice off? If so, you've likely found that not only did it not go quiet inside, it probably just got worse.
If this is the case, you're not alone.
I've worked with world class athletes that did not know about the strategy I'm about to reveal.
Are you ready? Here it is.
The reason almost everyone finds it next to impossible to shut off their inner voice is because of something called sub-vocalization.
Meaning, when we are thinking, and simultaneously commenting internally or "talking to ourselves" inwardly about our thoughts, we make micro-movements of the very same muscles we use when we are actually speaking out loud.
We make micro-contractions of the muscles of the tongue, the lips, and other muscles of the face that support speech.
Because these muscles have become hard wired into the process of speaking, it's very hard for our nervous system to differentiate between speaking out loud, and talking inside our head.
Therefore, we unconsciously make these micro-movements to streamline and facilitate inner self-talk.
The secret, then, is in being able to disengage these muscles at will.
When we do, self-talk often shuts off immediately.
At the very least, it decreases significantly and slows down.
Either way, this makes it much easier to avoid panic attacks and experience the peace you desire on an ongoing basis.
So, first, relax your lower jaw, and let it just drop down about ½ an inch.
Just let it hang as loose and relaxed as possible.
Next, take the tip of your and gently touch it to the roof of your mouth, about half way back, while continuing to keep your lower jaw loose and relaxed.
That's it.
It's really just as simple as that.
This method will make it impossible-very difficult at best- to engage the muscles required for sub-vocalization.
When I have people do this in a workshop I'm conducting, many of them later tell me that it was the first time in their life they had been successful at getting their head to go quiet.
Enjoy this fascinating but incredibly simple method for inviting and creating more peace and quiet into your life.

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