Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Sitz Bath for Hemorrhoids - Relieves Piles, But Is It a Long Term Cure?

A sitz bath for hemorrhoids is a treatment for suffers of hemorrhoids with mild symptoms - any other symptoms other than mild you should visit first your doctor.
The basis of the treatment using a sitz bath is the use of lukewarm water which helps to relieve the irritation and sooth the itching which is a common symptom amongst piles sufferers.
A sitz bath for hemorrhoids can be used in a couple of ways; first it can be placed into your bath and filled with luke warm water and secondly another popular method is to place the bath directly over the toilet bowel.
It is simply a case of filling the vessel with warm water and then sitting down for between 10-20 minutes helping relieve those nasty hemorrhoid symptoms.
To further enhance a sitz bath for hemorrhoids many suffers also place more soothing products into the water such as baking soda or delicate soothing salts both of which will help to reduce swelling and sooth your piles.
In addition to reducing the size of the hemorrhoids adding ingredients such as salt will help to clear up any secondary infections about the anal and rectum area.
A very cheap treatment costing just a few dollars many suffers turn to a sitz bath for hemorrhoids as an effective treatment of the symptoms.
At this point it is worth pointing out that a sitz bath for hemorrhoids is simply treating the symptoms of hemorrhoids and not addressing the causes of the problem.
In fact, the majority of remedies available will not stop the condition from returning as they do not take care of the causes.
Having suffered for many years with hemorrhoids and also being a regular user of a sitz bath for hemorrhoids I can tell you that whilst helping to relieve the symptoms it goes nowhere to stopping it from returning.
The first thing to look at with recurring piles is your diet.
You need to be drinking lots of fresh water every day and in addition, a good balanced diet to include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
If you are anything like me then adjusting your diet in an attempt to cure for good swollen piles is something quite difficult.
Thankfully however I discovered a natural remedy which not only relieves the symptoms of piles but also rids your body of them for good.
All of this without drastic changes to your lifestyle.
In simple terms this means that you no longer have to regularly suffer with piles - they can be gone in just a few weeks for good.

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