Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How to Get Flat Abs at Home

    • 1). Do some strength training to strengthen your stomach muscles. Different types of exercises, like sit-ups, crunches, side bends and standing twists will help strengthen your stomach muscles.

    • 2). Include cardio workouts in your exercise routine. Cardio workouts are important because they can increase your metabolism, which will make you less likely to store extra calories as fat. Moderate to high-intensity cardio exercise will also burn fat you already have.

    • 3). Eat something every two to three hours, but keep these meals small. You need to stabilize your blood sugar if you want to successfully burn excess fat and keep it off. Give you body plenty of energy to burn off, but eat the right things, such fruits, vegetables and lean protein.

    • 4). Drink plenty of water and lower your fat intake. Drinking water will make you feel less hungry so that when you eat, you won't eat as much. Cut back or eliminate deep-fried foods and junk food. Use less butter or oil when cooking, or don't use any at all.

    • 5). Never skip a meal, especially breakfast. Skipping meals may lead to eating too much later on. Breakfast revs up your metabolism for the day and will reduce your temptation to overeat later. While you shouldn't skip meals, you should control your portions at each meal. Do not eat while watching TV or engaged in another task, because distracted eaters tend to eat more.

    • 6). Get a personal fitness trainer to help you if you can't succeed on your own. Many trainers will come to your home or work with you at a gym. A personal trainer can help you set realistic workout and eating goals to help you achieve your ultimate goal of getting flat abs.

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