Health & Medical Anxiety

How to Stop Panic Attacks in 3 Easy Steps and Get Your Life Back

Sufferers are increasingly looking for natural ways on how to stop their panic attacks.
There are several reasons for this, but one of the main ones, is that the normal drugs dispensed to control anxiety and panic attacks have some horrible side effects, including dependency issues.
There are herbal and other such home remedies of course, but here you'll discover 3 simple steps you can take to help stop panic attacks or, at the very least, reduce their intensity and length.
The initial step is to understand that panic attacks cannot harm you.
You actually need to do this because during an attack your fear of some impending doom just makes the symptoms more severe and the attack last longer.
The second step is to control your breathing.
What to avoid here are taking shallow, short, fast breaths.
You need to take control by regularizing your breathing; slow, rhythmical breathing, in through your nose and out of the mouth.
The last step will be to concentrate on external issues and things rather than your symptoms.
This is really important because by analysing your symptoms, you get into a vicious cycle that will prolong your attack and even make your symptoms seem worse.
Now, a key issue, not included above because of its complexity, is how to eliminate your conscious or subconscious fear of panic attacks.
This is a very real fear that arises because of the terrifying effects of their symptoms.
The problem is that this fear itself can trigger an attack.
Which then increases your fear of another, and so on.
To truly be able to stop panic attacks, you need to break-out of your vicious anxiety cycle.
Understanding, as you now do, that these attacks cannot harm you, is a huge step in achieving this.
But it isn't enough.
You now need a knowledge of special techniques etc.
, to help you reach your goal of getting your life back.

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