Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Avoid Sleep Seizures With Modifications Of Unhealthy Life-style Factors

Brain O2 and CO2 levels are the key factors that control seizure threshold. When we have regular and very slow-relaxed breathing pattern, both these gases are abundant in the brain. Ineffective breathing, that is present in over 95% of modern people (see review of over 20 medical studies on my website) causes brain hypocapnia (CO2 deficiency) and hypoxia leading to seziures in predisposed people.

The more you breathe, the less oxygen, blood, and CO2 are delivered to your brain. Hundreds of scientific articles have shown the following law of respiration: chronic hyperventilation (or breathing more than the tiny medical norm) DECREASES oxygenation of cells. This effect takes place due to properties of carbon dioxide: this substance is a dilator of blood vessels and is necessary for discharge of oxygen to organs.

However, normal (or high) brain oxygenation and CO2 content are crucial for well-being of the CNS.

To check one's breathing, regularly assess your stress-free breath holding time done after your usual exhalation. Exhale as usually, pinch the nose and monitor how long you can be without breathing and without any discomfort. This test indicates oxygenation and blood supply to your brain. The weightier your breathing, the less the quantity of oxygen delivered to the body cells and brain. These are practical results:

If you have 1-5 s for oxygenation of tissues, you can have a life-threatening seizure. Extreme level of overbreathing possible types of seizures include myoclonic seizures, clonic seizures, status epilepticus, tonic seizures, complex partial seizures, atonic seizures, absence seizures or Petit mal and tonic-clonic seizures or Grand mal.

If you have 5-10 s CP, you can end up getting simple partial seizures, complex partial seizures and absence seizures; more severe sorts of seizure can be aggravated by stress or any provocation that further intensifies your breathing and lowers your oxygenation of cells down to around 5 s or less.

11-20 s: people can experience myoclonic seizures, atonic seizures, and simple partial seizures or focal seizures. A more severe variation of seizures can be triggered by strong enough stress or lifestyle factor that further intensifies breathing so that your oxygen content in cells down to about drops to around 5 s.

20-40 s body oxygen content: seizures are virtually impossible provided the patient will not diminish their brain oxygen content.

Over 40 s: all kinds of seizures are impossible. Note that 40 s for this unique breath hold is the physiological standard.

It is logical then to retrain one's breath pattern so that to have normal respiratory parameters 24/7. Afterward all seizures will be ended naturally. Breathing retraining requires special breathing methods: Strelnikova breathing gymnastic, Amazing DIY breathing device, Frolov respiration device, Buteyko method and correction of risk lifestyle factors:
- nasal breathing day and night
- breathing using the belly 24-7
- eating only when really hungry
- physical exercise with solely nasal breathing
- proper posture all the time
- normal heat exchange
- prevention of sleeping on one's back
- optimum air quality
- and many others.

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