Business & Finance Corporations

Pay Per Click Marketing - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Pay per click marketing is the promotional method of choice for many internet businesses.
It allows them to receive large amounts of traffic to their website in a short space of time.
Despite alternative marketing techniques being available, PPC is still very popular...
even how it works is not widely understood.
Many internet users see these "online classified ads" but don't fully understand how pay per click works so here are a few insights to make this easier to grasp.
With very little effort, text adverts are placed on websites that get regular traffic.
Very simply, the advertiser pays a small cost to the business owner who has the website traffic.
* The clever part of this system is the fact that the adverts (yes you won't be the only one advertising there) are related to the content on the web page where your ad is shown.
* PPC marketing can be a cost efficient process because you only pay when the link in your ad is clicked on.
Unlike regular advertising which you pay for whether someone takes any notice or not.
WHAT ABOUT CLICK FRAUD ? In the early days it was often said that a competitor would try to deplete another company's advertising budget by clicking on their link until all the allocated funds were spent but this rarely happens these days.
Google, for example, watches out for click fraud and has systems to monitor this sort of thing.
TARGETED TRAFFIC When you use pay per click marketing, you will benefit from using directed and targeted marketing.
Your ad will only show up on sites where people are already interested in something related to what you are offering.
And you control the topics where you ad will display (by nominating the keywords that will trigger the display of your ad).
The pay per click method is best illustrated by Google's AdWords facility but Google is not the only PPC company.
Not at all.
There's also Yahoo and MSN and tons of others.
Google displays your ad every time a term or phrase which you specify is searched for in their search system.
Depending on how much you have paid, your advert will either be at the top of the search result page or in the right hand column.
Pay more and your ad will generally appear nearer the top of the page.
There is more to your ad's position than just the price you pay but as this is an advanced topic, we dont have time to deal with it here.
THE NEED FOR SPEED For many people, the major appeal of PPC is its immediacy.
When you enter your ad into the Google AdWords system, you will soon have a good idea whether or not the ad is effective.
For speed, efficiency and cost, pay per click search marketing is superior to just about every other method of advertising and that is why companies including home based businesses continue to use it.

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