Business & Finance Business News

Okuma Group – Prepare to Combat Inflationary Pressures.

Okuma Group - Business News: Regardless of official figures, investors MUST prepare to combat inflationary pressures.

"Okuma Group" analysts have reiterated their standing advice to clients to hedge against the devaluation of fiat paper-based currencies despite official data suggesting that inflation is not an issue in countries like the United States.

Dimitri Vasilev senior vice president at the firm said, "The landscape of the real economy tells us that prices are, indeed, rising. Whether one is the market for healthcare, food, education, fuel or any other product we care to mention, it's undeniable that prices are going up and protection against this requires a real-world approach."

"Okuma Group" blames "beggar-thy-neighbor" policies being employed by global central banks in their efforts to preserve jobs in their manufacturing and export sectors by driving down the value of their currencies to make products cheaper in foreign markets and imports from other nations more expensive.

The firm continues to eschew investment in inflation protected bonds arguing that their usefulness is severely limited because they use official figures to calculate the repayment of principal upon maturity.

"Precious metals and other hard assets will continue to form the mainstay of our arsenal in the fight against this wealth-destroying phenomenon," said a "Okuma Group" analyst.


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