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4 Supper Easy Steps to Getting Started With Adsence.

1) Read Google's Terms and Conditions for Google adsence.The reason I put this as step one, is you need to be aware of what you can and cannot do. Certain sites Google will not advertise on. For instance if you have a gambling or adult content site they will not advertise on that site.

There's things you cannot do. You will lose your adsence account if you do. Such as clicking on ads on your site. So you need to be aware of what their policy is before you get started.

These are just an example and you need to be aware of Google's entire policy. Follow their rules and guidelines and Google adsence can be a money making venture for you.

2) Now you need to build a web site or blog. I recommend Google's blog to start out with. I am referring to []. The reason I say this is Google's blog is free and easy to set up to accept their ads. So there is almost no figuring it out.

I said almost. After all you will need to selected template you like. The template is what your page will look like that you put your content on. And of course you will have to put your content on your blog.

It really is simple to get a blog up and running in minutes with Google. Google has mastered making things simple. So don't be scared to get a blog started.

With Google if you start a blog and decide you would rather do a blog about something different later you can either delete it or start a second blog. It is unbelievably simple.

3) Now once you set up an account and selected your template, you need to put some content on your site. This is something you will have to decide on what's best for you. Do not overcomplicate this. Write about something you know and enjoy.

If you owned animals all your life you can write about animals. It could be anything. You can write about dating. How about remote-controlled vehicles? Are you a penny pincher? Who doesn't like to know about saving money? The sky's the limit.

Just make sure it's something you enjoy doing and you will be able to continue writing about it. The more content you write, the more pages you have. The more pages you have the more ads you can run. The more ads you have running the more the opportunity is to make money.

4) Once you put some content on your blog and get it started you can add your adsence ads. Now if you started a blog with Google you can select to add ads on your blog.

If you have not signed up for adsence yet you will get instructions on how to do that right there and then. Like I said previously Google has made it simple. Enjoy and Have a Blessed Day!

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