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How to Lower a Truck by Removing Leaf Springs

    • 1). Position wheel chocks around the front wheels. Lift the rear of the truck using a jack. Put jack stands under the frame of the truck, as well as under the axle. Take off the rear wheels with a tire iron.

    • 2). Lift up the jack slightly, enough just to pick up the rear axle from the jack stands. Unbolt the leaf springs from the axle using a 1/2-inch ratchet and socket. Lower the jack stands for the axle, and lower the axle down onto the stands with the jack.

    • 3). Unbolt the center bolt on the leaf spring with pliers and a 1/2-inch ratchet and socket. Pull the flat leaf off of the bottom of the leaf spring pack. Reinstall the center bolt on the leaf spring pack with a 1/2-inch ratchet and socket and pliers.

    • 4). Lift up the axle with the jack, then reconnect the axle to the leaf springs with a 1/2-inch ratchet and socket. Reinstall the wheels with the tire iron. Jack up the rear end of the truck until you can remove the stands from the rear of the frame and axle. Lower the truck down to the ground with the jack.

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