Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Crime Prevention Tips - Minimizing the Risks

Security tips for you and your family members: * Every time you buy or rent a house or apartment, change the locks.
* Try to contact your neighbours and establish a communication network in case of an emergency, collecting their phone numbers, local police numbers, and fire fighters.
* Leave the emergency phone numbers near the phone on clear visible spot .
* Never give away personal information by phone to someone you don't know or trust.
* Always check for suspicious looking persons near the entrance of your house.
If you think they might be a potential threat, do not enter your house.
Just keep walking as if you were just passing by and contact the police.
* If upon arrival you find that the door has been forced, do not enter.
Call the police as soon as possible.
* Use all the security measures, even if you will be absent for just a few minutes.
* Hide valuable jewels and cash in an anchored safe, and preferably in a hidden spot.
* Try to illuminate the whole house, especially outdoors.
Avoid leaving dark corners that may allow criminals to hide.
* Prune trees, bushes and plants periodically, keeping them to a height that impedes someone to hide.
* Reduce the opening and closing time of hall doors.
If you have automatic hall doors, always wait until they close completely before leaving or getting off the car.
* Place double lock, only giving keys to people you trust.
* Remember to close the windows, especially those near terraces or balconies.
* Never leave door notes telling about your absence, neither leave hidden keys.
Tips For children: * Teach them basic data of identity that might be useful on an emergency event (full name, home phone, address).
* Advice them not to give away information to strangers and to never open the door.
* Insist that they mustn't accept anything from a stranger: invitations, sweet neither gifts.
* Inform them about the risks of hitchhiking.
* Explain them how to proceed before an emergency arises.
* Teach them the importance of never telling when their parents are not at home.
* Teach them how to dial to emergency telephones, using a toy telephone.

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