Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

How to Quit Snoring -2 Approaches to Stop Snoring

Your snoring can really disrupt your relationships with your partner and family if you don't do something about it.
Snoring may even bea symptom of some other problem that can potentially do you harm.
So the motivation to quit snoring has never been greater.
This article will look at some ways how to quit snoring.
Snoring is normally caused by the blocking of air within the respiratory system.
The blocked air then causes some parts of the respiratory system to vibrate which gives off the distinctive sounds that we associate with a person snoring.
So the best way to quit snoring is to stop the air that is breathed in and out from getting blocked.
There seem to be two approaches to solving this problem.
You can either ensure that the body never gets into a position where the airways in the respiratory system can get blocked.
This means wearing or using a device that keeps the body in a theoretically ideal position.
So depending on where the blockage may be, you could end up wearing something on the nose, like a nasal strip or plaster that stretches the nostrils open.
If the blockage is thought to be in the throat or mouth then you may wear a mouth guard that holds the jaw in place during the night.
You may even wear a chin strap type device to perform the same function.
Another idea is to use a pillow that keeps your head in a position so that it is unlikely that the airways will get blocked.
Note that these approaches to quit snoring are not really a solution as such but merely methods to prevent the snoring happening each night.
The main disadvantage of these methods is that people soon get fed up with them or simply forget to use them.
A more permanent solution is to do exercises.
These exercises are specifically throat and mouth exercises because most of the snoring sound is generated by the soft palate and the uvula that are located in the mouth/throat.
The aim of exercises are to strengthen the lower jaw muscles and the soft palate so that they do not 'collapse' during sleep and cause the airways to get blocked.
There are a number of different exercises that are thought to help snoring however you have to stick with the program if you hope to be successful.

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