Business & Finance Blogging

How to Make Your Own Web Blog

    • 1). Decide what your blog will be about. While it is perfectly acceptable to blog about your daily life, it is better to pick something you are passionate about and gear your blog to that passion. For example, if you are an avid golfer, you may want to start a golfing blog about your experiences on the course.

    • 2). Sign up for an account at a free blogging site. There are several blogging sites on the web that you can choose from, such as Blogger or WordPress. All of these sites will provide you with a simple interface for blogging, ways to add and filter comments and statistics that show you how much traffic your blog is receiving. You will also be allowed to customize your blogs colors and fonts, which allow you to differentiate your blog from all the others. All you need is a valid email address and Internet access.

    • 3). Choose a URL. All of the free blogging sites will provide you with a URL for your blog, but many of them will place the blog site in the URL they provide you. (A WordPress blog will give you the URL "," where "username" is your blog log-in name.) If you want to own you blog name, you should buy a URL from a one of the URL vendors on the web, such as You can then link your blog to the URL you chose and give that to people so they can find your blog. This way you will be able to own your own domain name and not continuously advertise another company every time someone visits your site.

    • 4). Post regular updates. The fastest way people will be able to find your blog is if you post regular updates. Post at least one large (several paragraphs) post a week, with several smaller posts sprinkled in. If people know they will get constant updates from you, they will be more apt to follow your blog.

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