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Different Bible Verses That Talk About Money

Jesus talked about money more than he talked about heaven or hell. At least one-half of all the parables mention money. It's amazing how nervous people get in church when you talk about money. Jesus didn't have any problem talking about money. He talked about money a lot. He told people to give it. He told them not to love it. He told people to be careful with it. He told them not to waste it. He told them to enjoy it. Go to first timothy chapter 6. First Timothy 6:7. I believe there are a lot of misconceptions about money. v. 7: For we brought nothing into the world and obviously we cannot take anything out. - You don't want to fall in love with your stuff because you're not taking it with you. - v. 8: But if we have food and clothing, with that we shall be content and satisfied.

I don't believe that means satisfied to the point where you never want to have any change or you never want to have anything else but part of growing in prosperity is being thankful and content each step of the way and it's giving a portion of what you have on every level that you're on. Don't be one of those people who say: When I..., then I... All that is, is just deception. That's a way to get out of doing anything right now. v. 9: Those who crave to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish useless, godless: And hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction and miserable perishing. We see right here and if you're taking notes, I really want you to have a balanced view on what the bible says about money by the time we're done.

You need to write down: Don't crave to be rich, and underline "crave" because when you start craving something, you start doing foolish things that you shouldn't do to get it. You can lust after anything. Lust is not just a problem with sex. You can lust after a hot fudge sundae. This is what I felt like the Lord showed me years ago that lust is: I'm lusting after anything when I want it so badly I can't be happy without it. v. 10: For the love of money... Joyce Meyer Ministries reads the scripture that has just built denominations and torn up people. v. 10: For the love of money is "a" root of all evils. This does not say that money is evil, it says the love of money is evil.

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