Health & Medical Anti Aging

Does Stress Cause Wrinkles? Here Are the Preventative Tips You Need to Stay Young!

Most men and women make it their priority to stay youthful both physically and emotionally, yet this goal can often be counteracted by our number one enemy in the United States: stress.
So how do you combat stress to protect not only your appearance but your long-term health? First of all, it is a proven fact that aging skin is often caused by stress and anxiety.
For this reason, it is so important to be aware of your stress levels and attempt to relax as often as possible through meditation, yoga, and getting enough rest.
This type of awareness will help you to keep your stress in check so that you frown less and reduce your risk for deep expression lines caused by repetitive facial motions.
The common saying, "Don't frown, or your face may stay that way!" does have some truth to it.
If you are constantly burdened and stressed out, you may find yourself frowning often, and that repetitive facial motion will create deep lines in your face over time that are difficult to treat.
Bottom line? Try to reduce your stress levels as quickly as possible to diminish deep and obvious wrinkles in your complexion.
Furthermore, stress also is commonly linked with overeating and a lack of sleep.
These are the two worst enemies to your skin! If you are not eating well, your body will be full of toxins and lacking the nutrients that it needs to produce healthy and glowing skin.
In the same manner, if you are not getting enough rest each night, your skin will not have the opportunity to repair itself from the inside out, so that it will often look dull and lifeless in the morning -not to mention the serious bags underneath your eyes! So what can you do to stop this stress induced damage to your skin?
  • Relax! This may seem easier said than done, but you must take every opportunity to set aside time to unwind, get enough rest, and recuperate if you want your skin and health to follow suit.
  • Tackle problems in your life.
    If you have one or several problems that are looming in your future and causing you to lose sleep at night, be proactive and try to solve these problems to the best of your abilities.
    Often times, the simple act of taking control of your life will help to relieve stress so that you can begin to relax and restore your health.
  • Eat well.
    If you are an emotional eater, this is the time to make better choices that will not only benefit the health of your body but will help you to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
    Instead of going for unhealthy snacks when you are anxious, have fresh fruits and vegetables handy to munch on.
    Your skin will thank you!
  • Drink more water.
    This simple tip will keep you hydrated to reduce fatigue throughout the day, and even better, it will flush toxins from your skin so that you look rested, refreshed, and vibrant.
You can kick stress to the curb to protect your skin from damage!

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