Health & Medical Mental Health

Neonatal Apnea & Nasal Cannula

    Neonatal Apnea

    • Neonatal apnea occurs when an infant stops breathing. Some infants experience a pause of twenty seconds. Left untreated, apnea can cause irregular heartbeat, cynosis and reduced muscle strength, according to the "Manual of Pediatric Therapeutics."


    • Neonatal apnea can be treated by giving an infant caffeine or other stimulants, with the close supervision of a medical professional. To reduce the severity and frequency of apnea episodes, oxygen may be given to the child through a nasal cannula, a medical device that delivers oxygen through two prongs inserted into the nose.


    • If a nasal cannula cannot deliver enough oxygen to reduce incidences of apnea, then a face mask may be used to ensure that the infant continues breathing, according to "Ballenger's Otorhinolaryngology." With treatment, most infants stop experiencing apnea at about the age of three months.

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