Technology Software

How to Find Out Which Version of Microsoft Word is Installed

    • 1). Look for a blue tab labeled "File" in the far left of the main toolbar. The blue tab identifies the product as Word 2010. To verify, click "File," then "Help" from the bottom of the drop down menu. In the right hand window pane, you will see a section called "About Microsoft Word." This section includes details about the Word version and will say "Microsoft Word 2010."

    • 2). Find the round button in far left top corner of Word. The official Office symbol will be included in the button. This button identifies the product as Word 2007. Click on the symbol to activate the drop down menu. Click "Resources." In the new window, you will see a section called "About Microsoft Word 2007."

    • 3). Click "Help" in the main toolbar. "Help" is the last option on the right hand side of the toolbar in Microsoft Word versions 2003 and older. Click "About Microsoft Word" in the resulting drop down menu. A new window will appear, with the first line telling you if you have Microsoft Word 2003, 2002, 2000, 97 or older installed.

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