Law & Legal & Attorney Health Law

Procedure for making accident compensation claims in the UK:

How long do I have after my accident to start personal injury compensation claims proceedings?

Under the Limitation Act 1990, those who have been the victim in a road traffic accident have three years in which to initiate legal proceedings against the party they believe to be responsible. It is unlikely your claim will be accepted by a reputable firm of solicitors if you exceed the three-year time limit unless there are exceptional circumstances prevented you from starting a claim.

Unless there is a valid reason for you exceeding the time limit, it is unlikely the courts will use their discretion and allow you to make a claim. One exception to the rule relates to those who are suffering from a mental illness or injury – if a court determines that the victim could not reasonably have started a claim within the time limit they may be granted an extension.

What do I need in order to initiate accident compensation claims proceedings against a third party?

To find out what you need in order to make a successful claim, your best option is to discuss your case with a qualified and experienced solicitor. Generally a solicitor will need evidence to prove that the accident was not your fault and they will also require medical evidence relating to the injuries you sustained in the incident.

What is the procedure for making accident compensation claims?

Initially, a solicitor will assess your case and will examine the supporting evidence relating to the accident you were involved in and the injuries you sustained. A qualified solicitor will have to evaluate your claim a thoroughly in order to determine that there is a good chance of achieving a successful resolution.

Once a solicitor has established that you do you qualify for a compensation award, they will generally discuss your prospects of success and will also offer you advice about funding your claim. If you are satisfied that you have a good chance of achieving a successful outcome and if you understand the way in which your costs are covered, you can appoint a solicitor to act on your behalf.

How do car accident victims pay to start the accident compensation claims process?

There are a number of reputable law firms in the UK that will not charge you a penny to start claiming the compensation you deserve providing you have a qualifying case. Most law firms will require you to sign an agreement which will cover their costs in the event your case is resolved successfully. If you approach law firm that asks you to pay an upfront fee, you should think very carefully about whether or not you wish to use their services as there are a number of law firms that will not charge you a penny for starting your claim.

If I do decide to start an accident compensation claim, how much compensation am I likely to receive and how long will it take to settle my case?

This is an extremely complicated question and there is no simple answer - the amount of compensation you will receive and the length of time it will take to settle your case depends entirely on your individual circumstances.

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