6 Things How Super Parents Raise And Unleash Smart, Healthy, Happy Baby Genius
Here are six key concepts which can make a substantial impact on how you interact with your child from the earliest moments of life.
Concept #1. Start Early
The infant brain develops rapidly from the earliest moments of life. Learning can and does begin as early as prenatal-while the child is still in the womb.
- If you are pregnant, then start talking to your baby and play classical music and foreign languages for him.
Concept #2. Make Connections
Brain circuitry develops and grows through connecting cells with information links. The more information links, the more learning capacity.
During the first three years, the creative, highly photographic, sensitive brain is wide open to impressions of all kinds. The brain quickly scans, catalogs and links all new information to the stored images where an association can be found. Connections (synapses) are formed at supersonic speed supplying and further fortifying wonder and curiosity in the mind of a child.
- Teach your child through as many senses as possible using flashcards, classical music, world languages, sensorial toys and games.
Concept #3. Use Quality Stimulation Now (Flashcards, Music and Languages)
The rate of brain regeneration and growth decreases after an infant has reached about 12 months of age. Any cells that are not used will gradually, naturally die off. Overall neurological capacity is determined at a very early stage in life.
University of Chicago neurobiologist Peter Huttenlocher discovered critical information about brain growth. His research showed just how fast the early brain grows. A 28-week-old fetal brain tissue sample showed 124 million brain connections. A newborn brain tissue had 253 million connections, and an eight-month-old infant had 572 million.
"But the growth of the number of connections, Huttenlocher soon learned, slowed down by the end of the first year and stabilized at about 354 million per tissue sample. He says, 'It was strange... The number of connections kept going up and up and then they started to go down.'
"His research proved that the fetal brain overproduces cells and that unless they find a connection or a 'job' to do in the body, they die off. He says that under stimulation and lack of interaction with the outside world causes the cell death. The future number of brain cells could vary by as much as 25% depending on the quality and quantity of enrichment offered to the learner."
- Maximize the precious first three to six years of your child's life with a high-quality educational program and loving bonding time.
Concept #4. Teach Both Brains
The brain is divided laterally into two hemispheres-and although they are designed to work together, each has a vastly unique personality and abilities.
Drs. Robert Ornstein and Roger Sperry's "split-brain" research revealed that we have two distinctly different brains: the right and the left. The left side of the brain processes linear, concrete factual information and is key in language and logic. The right side of the brain processes random, creative, intuitive, multi-sensorial images.
Each side of the brain exhibits certain characteristics:
Left Brain Characteristics Right Brain Characteristics
Conscious awareness Subconscious awareness
Logical thought Abstract thought
Short term memory Long term memory
Slow input Fast input
Linear, sequential, reason Creative, imaginative
Relies on physical senses Relies on intuition
sight, sound, taste, touch, smell resonance with frequencies
Subsequent studies have revealed that each hemisphere contains some of the abilities of the "other side." Modern education addresses left-brain development. Now we know that when the right hemisphere is developed, the entire brain is activated and all areas of mental performance improve.
-Your child needs to effectively utilize and involve both hemispheres in learning with fast, playful input (right brain) and logic (left brain).
Concept #5. : Maximize the Right Brain Window
The outer cortex of the brain develops from right to left, providing a window of time where an infant is primarily functioning with the right hemisphere.
The brain, like every other organ in the human body, develops and grows at an astounding rate from the moment of conception. The brain develops up from the stem to midbrain to the outer cortex, or cerebrum. As the neocortex develops, the midbrain links to the right hemisphere first and does not begin to link to left brain conscious thought until the child is about age two. This period of development is what we refer to as the "Right Brain Window"-there is no left brain interference or filter of incoming information. This means that the right brain is WIDE OPEN for learning input.
After age three, children begin to actively shift to the logical left hemisphere of the brain. At this point, if the right hemisphere is left unchallenged or unused-or if a child is in a predominately left-brain learning environment-then the left hemisphere will dominate.
- Give your child as many flashcards and other types of high-quality input as possible during the 0-3 year period. Afterwards, keep the right brain open with playful right brain games.
Concept #6. : Be Happy!
The brain is sensitive to subtle frequencies: light waves, sound, thought and emotion.
The left brain works with tangible facts taken in through the outer senses-sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. The right brain recognizes the subtle wave frequencies of light, sound, thought, emotion and magnetism that is not always apparent to the outer senses. The abilities of the right brain are fully explainable when understood within the context of frequency. Light, sound, emotion and thought all travel in waves. These frequencies are utilized in right brain education.
- Teach to all of your child's senses, including through emotion and thought. Learn how to center your emotional states to reflect peace, calm and love toward the children in your care.
Right Brain education potentially unlock your child potential to have photographic memory, speed reading, multiple language acquisition, computer like math calculation, perfect pitch music, intuition, creativity, invention and advance 3D visualization. Every child born with genius
Concept #1. Start Early
The infant brain develops rapidly from the earliest moments of life. Learning can and does begin as early as prenatal-while the child is still in the womb.
- If you are pregnant, then start talking to your baby and play classical music and foreign languages for him.
Concept #2. Make Connections
Brain circuitry develops and grows through connecting cells with information links. The more information links, the more learning capacity.
During the first three years, the creative, highly photographic, sensitive brain is wide open to impressions of all kinds. The brain quickly scans, catalogs and links all new information to the stored images where an association can be found. Connections (synapses) are formed at supersonic speed supplying and further fortifying wonder and curiosity in the mind of a child.
- Teach your child through as many senses as possible using flashcards, classical music, world languages, sensorial toys and games.
Concept #3. Use Quality Stimulation Now (Flashcards, Music and Languages)
The rate of brain regeneration and growth decreases after an infant has reached about 12 months of age. Any cells that are not used will gradually, naturally die off. Overall neurological capacity is determined at a very early stage in life.
University of Chicago neurobiologist Peter Huttenlocher discovered critical information about brain growth. His research showed just how fast the early brain grows. A 28-week-old fetal brain tissue sample showed 124 million brain connections. A newborn brain tissue had 253 million connections, and an eight-month-old infant had 572 million.
"But the growth of the number of connections, Huttenlocher soon learned, slowed down by the end of the first year and stabilized at about 354 million per tissue sample. He says, 'It was strange... The number of connections kept going up and up and then they started to go down.'
"His research proved that the fetal brain overproduces cells and that unless they find a connection or a 'job' to do in the body, they die off. He says that under stimulation and lack of interaction with the outside world causes the cell death. The future number of brain cells could vary by as much as 25% depending on the quality and quantity of enrichment offered to the learner."
- Maximize the precious first three to six years of your child's life with a high-quality educational program and loving bonding time.
Concept #4. Teach Both Brains
The brain is divided laterally into two hemispheres-and although they are designed to work together, each has a vastly unique personality and abilities.
Drs. Robert Ornstein and Roger Sperry's "split-brain" research revealed that we have two distinctly different brains: the right and the left. The left side of the brain processes linear, concrete factual information and is key in language and logic. The right side of the brain processes random, creative, intuitive, multi-sensorial images.
Each side of the brain exhibits certain characteristics:
Left Brain Characteristics Right Brain Characteristics
Conscious awareness Subconscious awareness
Logical thought Abstract thought
Short term memory Long term memory
Slow input Fast input
Linear, sequential, reason Creative, imaginative
Relies on physical senses Relies on intuition
sight, sound, taste, touch, smell resonance with frequencies
Subsequent studies have revealed that each hemisphere contains some of the abilities of the "other side." Modern education addresses left-brain development. Now we know that when the right hemisphere is developed, the entire brain is activated and all areas of mental performance improve.
-Your child needs to effectively utilize and involve both hemispheres in learning with fast, playful input (right brain) and logic (left brain).
Concept #5. : Maximize the Right Brain Window
The outer cortex of the brain develops from right to left, providing a window of time where an infant is primarily functioning with the right hemisphere.
The brain, like every other organ in the human body, develops and grows at an astounding rate from the moment of conception. The brain develops up from the stem to midbrain to the outer cortex, or cerebrum. As the neocortex develops, the midbrain links to the right hemisphere first and does not begin to link to left brain conscious thought until the child is about age two. This period of development is what we refer to as the "Right Brain Window"-there is no left brain interference or filter of incoming information. This means that the right brain is WIDE OPEN for learning input.
After age three, children begin to actively shift to the logical left hemisphere of the brain. At this point, if the right hemisphere is left unchallenged or unused-or if a child is in a predominately left-brain learning environment-then the left hemisphere will dominate.
- Give your child as many flashcards and other types of high-quality input as possible during the 0-3 year period. Afterwards, keep the right brain open with playful right brain games.
Concept #6. : Be Happy!
The brain is sensitive to subtle frequencies: light waves, sound, thought and emotion.
The left brain works with tangible facts taken in through the outer senses-sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. The right brain recognizes the subtle wave frequencies of light, sound, thought, emotion and magnetism that is not always apparent to the outer senses. The abilities of the right brain are fully explainable when understood within the context of frequency. Light, sound, emotion and thought all travel in waves. These frequencies are utilized in right brain education.
- Teach to all of your child's senses, including through emotion and thought. Learn how to center your emotional states to reflect peace, calm and love toward the children in your care.
Right Brain education potentially unlock your child potential to have photographic memory, speed reading, multiple language acquisition, computer like math calculation, perfect pitch music, intuition, creativity, invention and advance 3D visualization. Every child born with genius