Technology Networking & Internet

Affiliate Marketing's eBook Trend

eBooks have always been a popular choice for the internet marketer who creates products. They are significantly easier to create than physical books, not to mention much cheaper to produce. The benefits of eBooks, doesn't only exist for product creators though, there are also some pros to the affiliate marketer. The commissions paid on eBooks are significantly higher than physical books in most cases. This is usually due to the cost differences to produce and ship a physical book versus an eBook. Creating an eBook is so much cheaper so you can offer better commissions.  I could create an eBook and offer 50% no problem, while someone selling a physical book might be loathe to chop their earnings in half.

In the past year or so, there is a clear trend developing as well – mobile. The mobile internet market is currently exploding all around this. It is fueled by three technologies in my opinion:

* The SmartPhone * The eReader * The Tablet

These three tools have had a big effect on the mobile market revolution. You might be asking yourself…

"That's great, but what the heck does this have to do with eBooks?"

Well while these technologies grow and evolve to become lighter, faster and more user friendly, real books stay…big. They are also bulky and heavy. Not to mention the natural resources used to create them and etc…

To make a long story short, real physical books are selling less while electronic books are only gaining in popularity.  As technology grows, so does the market.  Currently they are both growing at an astounding rate.

This is good news for affiliate marketers. eBooks, will continue to become even more popular as mobile technologies advance. This means more sales and higher commissions!

ClickBank has already reported significant increases in eBook sales:

"The numbers from ClickBank are pretty compelling, as they say "eBook sales nearly doubled in 2010 and industry predictions expect these percentages to continue to climb in 2011, tripling by 2015."

If you aren't promoting eBooks already, this is a trend to be aware of and keep an eye on. This market is only going to continue to grow, and it should mean more juicy commissions for affiliate marketers.

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