Tips To Make The Most Of Your Labor Day Barbecue Party, Web 2.0 Style
Labor Day barbecues and events generally are held to mark the end of summer, but that doesn't mean your barbecue party has to have everyone crying in their beers longing for the hot summer days.
You can do a lot to make the most of your Labor Day barbecue party.
Here are several tips:
You can do a lot to make the most of your Labor Day barbecue party.
Here are several tips:
- Take LOTS of pictures and assemble an online photo album that you can share with friends, and family.
- Post your pictures to your Facebook account.
- Twitter every single event - people will feel as if they are there enjoying it with you!
- Record the event onto a HD digital camcorder and post them to YouTube.
- Make and sell custom after-event t-shirts, sweats, athletics, outerwear, drinkware, hats, or bags on CustomInk, or Zazzle.
- Set up a blog on Blogger or Wordpress and live blog the event.
Keep the beer away from the computer, they don't mix.
Oh and use a Web 2.
0 domain name generator to dream up a cool sounding domain name, like Gigacat, Flashtube, Oombo, Bubbleverse, Livebuzz, Gabmix... - Go old school retro, and create a PowerPoint presentation.
- Go older school retro, use a film camera to take pictures instead of a digital camera.
- This is geek but if you know where Google StreetView will be, plan your party close to their route so you're picture on Google Maps.
- Post your pictures to your Flickr account or any other photo sharing website.
- Keep the meat fresh, cook it within an hour of exposing it to room temperature.
You don't want anyone to get sick, do you? - Rub the grill with oil to prevent sticking.
- Marinade the meat to tenderize it.
- Baste the meat during the barbecue with the marinade if the sugar content is minimal, otherwise you will get burnt food.
- Use tongs of spatula to turn the meat.
- Do not pierce the meat with a fork.
If you do the juices will drain out making the meat dry inside and not too tasty. - Do not add salt to the meat while it is cooking, unless you like eating tough meat.