Health & Medical Hypertension

A Link Between High Blood Pressure and Coffee?

If I have one vice in my otherwise healthy lifestyle, it's my large cup of great coffee, everyday.
Not one for wanting to own "vices," I am curious as to why coffee, in moderation, is considered to be one.
This was highlighted the other day while having breakfast with a friend.
She told me how "lucky" I am to be able to have my coffee every day.
She said she couldn't drink coffee anymore due to hypertension.
Her doctor advised her that this could contribute to her hypertension.
Watch out? My friend was telling me this quite literally, as she was exhaling cigarette smoke.
Did her doctor mention that this behavior is far more than a contributor to high blood pressure.
Quite likely, my friend's doctor stressed to her that her weight and smoking habits were contributing to her high blood pressure.
Why then did he mention coffee? To date, there is no definitive evidence that coffee leads to the development of high blood pressure.
What has been documented is that coffee can increase blood pressure, although, only slightly AND only temporarily.
What some studies have shown is that coffee can temporarily raise blood pressure but that is all.
In fact, studies have also shown that over time, this temporary increase in blood pressure is reduced.
More recent studies have tried to focus on behaviors or habits associated with coffee - coffee and cigarettes and coffee and weight gain.
People do tend to do both together.
Does this mean coffee causes hypertension? No.
Rather, the studies have shown that people associate the negative lifestyle (cigarettes, over-eating) with drinking coffee.
My same friend has foregone her cigarette break if she doesn't have coffee, indicating that the cigarette, "Just doesn't taste the same.
" While I'm always excited to read about amazing results from people who've given up coffee and reduced their blood pressure, I'm even more interested in knowing what other bad behaviors where dropped when these people gave up coffee.
I believe moderation truly is the key as far as coffee (and well, everything) is concerned.
I love my coffee and I drink one cup of great coffee every day.
Regardless of the reason for hypertension, my High Blood Pressure Program does provide amazing results.
The exercises in the program are easy but effective.
So effective, in fact, that people who have suffered for years have dropped below 120/80 with this completely natural remedy.

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