Asking How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last? Discover the Answer
To begin with, I'm sure that not everyone reading this is fully aware of what a hemorrhoid is.
So to answer the question "how long do hemorrhoids last?", it is essentially when an individual with a poor diet, lacking in fiber and water has frequent constipation.
The constant constipation causes the blood vessels around the anus to rupture, causing it to bleed.
The bowel movement expands the anus more than it naturally expands, and as a result of this unnatural expansion, hemorrhoids begin to form.
These hemorrhoids are noticeable mainly after you wipe after a bowel movement and notice small amounts of blood on the toilet paper.
Now that you are somewhat familiar with what a hemorrhoid is, the answer to the question "how long do hemorrhoids last?" is quite simple; it varies.
It is difficult to give an exact time period in which the hemorrhoid lasts because of several factors.
Of those factors, the main factor is the type of diet the individual adheres to.
A person who changes their diet and consumes more fiber and water than they used to, then they will recover much faster than a person did not incorporate those changes into their diet.
Hypothetically speaking however, it should take within a week or two of one changing their lifestyle in order to see results and the disappearance of the hemorrhoid.
If it takes longer than that, or the pain begins to get unbearable, then it would be highly advisable to seek medical attention, as it may not even be a hemorrhoid.
So to answer the question "how long do hemorrhoids last?", it is essentially when an individual with a poor diet, lacking in fiber and water has frequent constipation.
The constant constipation causes the blood vessels around the anus to rupture, causing it to bleed.
The bowel movement expands the anus more than it naturally expands, and as a result of this unnatural expansion, hemorrhoids begin to form.
These hemorrhoids are noticeable mainly after you wipe after a bowel movement and notice small amounts of blood on the toilet paper.
Now that you are somewhat familiar with what a hemorrhoid is, the answer to the question "how long do hemorrhoids last?" is quite simple; it varies.
It is difficult to give an exact time period in which the hemorrhoid lasts because of several factors.
Of those factors, the main factor is the type of diet the individual adheres to.
A person who changes their diet and consumes more fiber and water than they used to, then they will recover much faster than a person did not incorporate those changes into their diet.
Hypothetically speaking however, it should take within a week or two of one changing their lifestyle in order to see results and the disappearance of the hemorrhoid.
If it takes longer than that, or the pain begins to get unbearable, then it would be highly advisable to seek medical attention, as it may not even be a hemorrhoid.