Hemorrhoids - Trying Out Home Remedies
There are different methods of approach in treating hemorrhoids.
The safest and most convenient is the natural treatment approach.
In this approach, medicines and other surgeries are not done.
It is believed that natural processes, without harmful chemicals, help soothe symptoms without jumping out of the budget.
Here are some Home remedies in treating hemorrhoids: · Use of warm water o The warmth of the water relaxes the anal sphincter (muscle that controls defecation).
It helps relieve pain and discomfort.
- Use basin or a bath tub.
Fill it up to three or four inches of warm (not hot) water.
- Never add any decoction to the warm water.
- Allow sitting on the warm water for up to fifteen minutes.
- You may repeat this procedure several times within one day - For sore hemorrhoids, the best and quickest way for relief is the sitz bath · Use of zinc oxide pastes or petroleum jelly o This is an inexpensive way to decrease the amount of swelling and pain felt on hemorrhoids.
Both can be used simultaneously.
- Pat dry the affected area.
- Use a cotton tip applicator and dip it on the cream.
Apply liberate amounts.
- Avoid using scented tissue papers, soap or creams.
- Keep the affected area clean and dry.
· Use of Psyllium o Constipation is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoid formation.
Hard stools are very difficult to evacuate, that is why fiber helps prevent constipation through softening the stool.
The softer the stool the easier it is to evacuate.
- Mix a tsp of psyllium powder with an eight ounce-glass of water.
Take it in early in the morning as a component of your breakfast ever day for seven days.
- On the second week, add one more glass of this mixture during lunch - By the third week, drink psyllium powdered seeds thrice a day, every after meal.
- No need to take in other fiber supplement when already taking psyllium three times daily.
The safest and most convenient is the natural treatment approach.
In this approach, medicines and other surgeries are not done.
It is believed that natural processes, without harmful chemicals, help soothe symptoms without jumping out of the budget.
Here are some Home remedies in treating hemorrhoids: · Use of warm water o The warmth of the water relaxes the anal sphincter (muscle that controls defecation).
It helps relieve pain and discomfort.
- Use basin or a bath tub.
Fill it up to three or four inches of warm (not hot) water.
- Never add any decoction to the warm water.
- Allow sitting on the warm water for up to fifteen minutes.
- You may repeat this procedure several times within one day - For sore hemorrhoids, the best and quickest way for relief is the sitz bath · Use of zinc oxide pastes or petroleum jelly o This is an inexpensive way to decrease the amount of swelling and pain felt on hemorrhoids.
Both can be used simultaneously.
- Pat dry the affected area.
- Use a cotton tip applicator and dip it on the cream.
Apply liberate amounts.
- Avoid using scented tissue papers, soap or creams.
- Keep the affected area clean and dry.
· Use of Psyllium o Constipation is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoid formation.
Hard stools are very difficult to evacuate, that is why fiber helps prevent constipation through softening the stool.
The softer the stool the easier it is to evacuate.
- Mix a tsp of psyllium powder with an eight ounce-glass of water.
Take it in early in the morning as a component of your breakfast ever day for seven days.
- On the second week, add one more glass of this mixture during lunch - By the third week, drink psyllium powdered seeds thrice a day, every after meal.
- No need to take in other fiber supplement when already taking psyllium three times daily.