Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

How to Cure External Hemorrhoids?

External hemorrhoids are fleshy lumps around the rectum.
They occur as a result of anal pressure which dilates the rectal veins.
Pressure on the rectal walls affects the muscles which support the hemorroidal vessels.
They loose their support, get enlarged and transformed into a fleshy protrusion under the skin around the anus.
With advancing age, people increasingly experience hemorroidal problems.
How to relieve symptoms? Measures to relieve pain and discomfort caused by external hemorrhoids include: oSitz baths with lukewarm water several times daily for about 10-15 minutes.
After the bath tub sitting, the affected area should be dried gently with a clean towel in order to remove wetness from the area.
When the affected area is left wet, this would cause an adverse effect - the hemorrhoids would get enlarged and more painful.
oIce packs applied and withdrawn carefully reduce pain and swelling.
oApplication of hemorroidal suppositories alleviates discomfort and pain significantly.
oHemorroidal creams, cortisone creams, Vaseline and petroleum jelly would bring an instant improvement of the external hemorrhoids.
oWearing loose underwear is a must.
The fabric of the garments should be of natural origin, preferably cotton or silk.
oCleaning the affected area after bowel movement by a gentle use of wet wipes helps control the itching and irritation of the anus.
oTaking aspirin or acetaminophen (panadol) relieves the pain temporarily.
Surgical methods for curing external hemorrhoids.
The most commonly used medical methods for treatment of hemorroidal conditions are: oInjection sclerotherapy - this method shrinks the hemorrhoid lumps by causing inflammations and closure of the dilated rectal veins.
A special medical solution is injected in the area near the hemorrhoid which provokes the rectal veins reaction.
o Rubber band ligation - this method uses a rubber band which is placed at the base of the hemorrhoid.
The band stops the blood supply to the affected vein and causes it to dry up and fall of in about a week.
oInfrared protocoagulation - this procedure works by directing infrared light to the affected veins of the hemorrhoid.
The dilated veins coagulate and as a result the external hemorrhoids shrink because the blood cannot go through the coagulated veins.
oLaser coagulation - this method uses an electric current to shrink hemorroidal protrusions.
The electricity is emitted by an electrode probe and triggers a chemical reaction which cuts off the blood supply to the infected area.
oHemorroidectomy-this method is a surgical removal of the hemorrhoid groups performed by a cautery devise and a scalpel or by laser.
The surgery is recommended for treatment of prolapsed or trombosed external hemorrhoids.
Preventive measures.
Unless you do some prevention, hemorrhoids will return over time.
The most effective preventive measures are
: oChange your lifestyle if you lead a sedentary one.
Physical exercise will exercise buttocks muscles along with the overall conditioning of your body.
oIncrease your daily liquid intake and try to include at least a glass of fresh fruit juice daily.
oMake a habit of eating as much fibers as possible.

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