Health & Medical Anti Aging

How Does Body Produce Collagen? Lots of Information Here

If you are wondering; how does body produce collagen, then this article is for you.
  It might even be more information than you actually wanted, but I like to be thorough.
  To start out with, it takes a cell.
  A skin cell is stimulated to secrete a pro-collagen molecule.
  That protein molecule combines with other proteins to create a fibril.
  Bundles of fibrils create an elastic fiber that is responsible for the skin's strength and firmness.
The pro-collagen molecule is created from amino acids, primarily glycine and proline, but other amino acids are used, as well.
  Vitamin C is a necessary co-factor for the production of the molecule.
  In a person that has scurvy, a serious vitamin C deficiency, the molecules will form, as will the fibers, but they will be weak and mutated.
  People that don't get enough protein start to have a prematurely aged appearance.
  Today, this is rarely seen in industrialized societies, except among the anorexic.
  The body gets the amino acids needed to create pro-collagen from dietary intake of protein.
Basically, that answers the question of; how does body produce collagen molecules and fibers.
  But there are a few other questions that you might be interested in.
  What causes damage to the fibers?  How often are they produced?  What causes an aged appearance? Disease, injury, chronic inflammation and free radical molecules cause damage to the fibers.
  When we are young, damaged fibers are reabsorbed and reproduced relatively quickly.
  As we get older, the process slows down, greatly.
  That is one of the causes of an aged appearance.
  Free radical damage is another.
  As is progressively lower levels of hyaluronic acid.
You already know how does body produce collagen, but how does it produce hyaluronic acid, a substance that is nearly as important to the skin's firmness and strength.
  Hyaluronic acid was, at one time, simply described as goo.
  The term that scientists now use to describe it is much more complicated.
Without getting too technical, it is a long branched polysaccharide that contains amino acids and glycogen.
  It's a sticky substance that helps to bind the skin's cells together.
  Levels decrease with age because of the presence of an enzyme known as Hyaluronidase.
  The enzyme quickly breaks down hyaluronic acid, causing sagging.
  The skin's layers become more permeable.
  So they are more easily damaged by environmental free radicals and we start to look much older.
Knowing how does body produce collagen and hyaluronic acid may help you make smart dietary choices, like eating more protein and being sure to get enough Vitamin C.
  It can also help you choose skincare products.
Supplementing levels of hyaluronic acid and collagen cannot be accomplished with creams that contain them.
  There are some special ingredients, such as Wakame Kelp and CYNERGY TK that can inhibit production of Hyaluronidase and increase the production of pro-collagen.
  Luckily, these ingredients have antioxidant activity, as well.
  Now that you know; how does body produce collagen, you might want to learn more about those ingredients.

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