Health & Medical sports & Exercise

What is Zumba Gold?

It is one of the newest aerobic dance routines designed for beginners and participants with physical limitations.
Read this article and discover why it is still effective and fun.
Zumba Gold is a brand-new system that is for anyone, any age and any ability level.
This is the newest fitness dance routine created by Alberto Beto Perez.
This program is designed for participants with very little experience exercise(real exercise beginners, so to speak), individuals that have physical limitations or inactive older adult.
The system was created to be easier than the basic but just as much fun.
The moves have been carefully designed to be easy to follow by individuals of any size or age.
You will get a safe and effective total body workout...
And still maintaining a party atmosphere that is different, fun, easy to follow along and extremely effective.
The music uses dance moves and rhythms from...
Cumbia, Salsa, Merengue, Tango, Rumba, Cha-Cha and many other exciting and fun rhythms and dances.
You Can Do Zumba Gold Even If You're a Beginner You can even perform dance moves on a wheelchair or a chair is one of the other dance routines.
This is an outstanding benefit for those students who live in an assisted-living and or short and long-term care facilities.
As the boomers get older and people are living longer the amount of citizens over 65 will more than likely double in the next 25 to 30 years.
These same individuals realize that if they are going to enjoy their later years being physically fit is a high priority.
When you take a Zumba Gold class or workshop be sure to wear comfortable exercise clothing, take a hand towel and a bottle of water, along with a "ready to party" mood! Some of the main goals and benefits of Zumba Gold include improving the quality of life; maintaining functional skills such as ADLs or activities of daily living; providing classes that are appropriate for the participants; to make sure the routine is easy to learn and follow so that success can be achieved quickly; and also to just have FUN.
A regular Zumba Gold class is usually a little shorter, approximately 30 to 45 minutes.
It utilizes longer warm up and cool down.
In the regular class (usually 10 to 15 minutes.
) The dance instructors for this class are trained to be more aware of any physical changes in their students or if they are suffering any discomfort during the workout.

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